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Post by Lateralus »

OW, I think perhaps you should look up the word foregone as well and then go watch the 100 butterfly and the 4x100 finals again. If those equate to forgone conclusions to you, quit pretending you have anything to say that makes any sense. Yeah he had 3 or 4 sure things, the 200 butterfly the 4x200, 200 free and 400 IM (maybe) he had 2 strong competitors in that event, both guys times have been coming down lately and with a stage like the Olympics, they were close enough to conceivably challenge. The other events were not sure things at all 2 of which I don't really have to prove to you, I hope, unless winning margins of less than .01 sec and .08 seconds seem like dominating wins. There's always the DQ factor for relays like at Melbourne, or people getting too freaked out like Crocker did in Athens in the 4x100. That is especially more of a problem for first time Olympians which all the US relays had. Prior performances mean a lot but they don't define the outcomes of the most important career defining meet. Look at Cavic's time from the WC's in Melbourne for the 100 fly 52.53, he swam almost 2 seconds faster 1 year later in Beijing. No one saw that coming, same thing can happen in any event, it's the Olympics, the most stressful, draining meet there is. Just because Phelps dominated some of his events doesn't really make it any less impressive. I agree with you that Bolt's 100 was insane, one of the defining performances of the games so far, in my opinion no more than the 100 butterfly or 4x100 relay. Lezak's anchor leg was off the charts. He came very close to splitting 45 seconds. If you follow swimming, which I highly doubt, you would understand how crazy that is. Bottom line is 8 golds is 8 golds, considering I've had to argue how amazing that is to you I guess I am a nut
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Post by ynp1 »

Lateralus, hes not pretending to have anything to write that makes sense. he knows he doesnt make sense. he just writes shit because he knows that all the wanna-be 512OW climbers will still back him, and then he laughs at them behind their backs.

like many of US do on the site. so dont waist your time and energy with a long response. just say something stupid back that you pretend to believe.
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Post by chriss »

Lateralus wrote: Lezak's anchor leg was off the charts. He came very close to splitting 45 seconds.
In my eyes this was the most impressive leg of the most impressive race I have ever watched. I found this to be much more impressive than Bolt's chest thumping 100.

Sorry OW, I don't think anyone who knows swimming would have claimed that 8 golds for phelps was a forgone conclusion. The US winning the 4x100m relay was the largest upset of the swimming portion of the games. Which would not have been possible without Lezak's out of this world 46.06 split. The fastest ever recorded by over half a second. Also, the 100 fly was about as close as it gets. I still can't believe that Phelp's pulled it off. He also could have lost the 200im, if lochte wasn't busy winning the gold in the 200 m back 40 minutes before the im, the outcome could have been quite different. Phelps winning 8 golds was not a forgone conclusion, but an absolutely amazing accomplishment.

One last thing to think about, the swimming portion lasted what 6 or 7 days. When I swam in college our conference meet was 3 days long. I usually swam 7 or 8 races and felt as though I got hit by a truck afterward. It is not as easy as phelps Makes it look. Not only is it mentally tough, but physically grueling.
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Post by krampus »

ynp1 wrote:like many of US do on the site. so dont waist your time and energy with a long response. just say something stupid back that you pretend to believe.
wow, maybe your not such a dumbass
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Post by 512OW »

All I'm saying is that I wasn't suprised in the slightest by Phelps winning all 8. Most people weren't suprised by it. One of the greatest Olympic performances ever, for sure. But just like its not suprising to see Tiger Woods win on a fractured leg and torn ligaments, its not suprising to see the most dominant swimmer in history be dominant again.

Lezaks leg, in my book, is second to Bolts race in amazement factor, partially because I only follow Phelps.. not swimming in general, while I do follow track and field.
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Post by Andrew »

Here we go again in Gymnastics. The Chinese chick just sucked and received a huge score. We will see how it plays out.
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Post by Wes »

Andrew wrote:Here we go again in Gymnastics. The Chinese chick just sucked and received a huge score. We will see how it plays out.
Beam? It plays out well!
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Post by 512OW »

There is one single person other than Michael Phelps who understands what it takes to win all those events. Mark Spitz. Prior to the Olympics, what did Spitz say?

That it was a "foregone conclusion" that Phelps would win all 8.

I'm just guessing that Spitz knows more about swimming than anybody on this site...
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Post by 512OW »

Lateralus wrote:OW, I think perhaps you should look up the word foregone as well and then go watch the 100 butterfly and the 4x100 finals again. If those equate to forgone conclusions to you, quit pretending you have anything to say that makes any sense.
Haha. Maybe you should look it up. If I watch it, How can I then form a "foregone conclusion" based on that? A foregone conclusion must come prior to whichever event its foretelling, not after seeing it happen...
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Post by TankAzz »

yay for beam! now everyone is happy.
anyone catch high bar? that worked out as well...
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