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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:35 am
by ahab
you must have climbed at the gallery last weekend.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:59 am
by Andrew
Sorry about that Josi, that route was hard, and my friends whipper was sick. It was 5 feet, not 3. We didn't realize you were there.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:11 am
by pigsteak
Josephine wrote:a gumby does not recognize that other people might want to climb the route he's on. he will sit at the base and jabber with his friends about how "hard" the climb is and the big "whipper" (3 feet) his buddy took. he will continue to jabber while you tie in, lead a neighboring route while waiting & your partner TRs and cleans that route. at that point he will saftey check his partner and finally be ready to leave the ground. only to pump himself out after passing every rest on route and need a take at the last bolt. where they will continute to talk for the next 10 minutes while he rests. an hour and a half later (not an exaggeration) he will be done with the route and allow someone else the privledge of climbing the best 5.8 in the gorge.

rock have officially become an old crustie..bitter and entitled.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:51 am
by Don McGlone
This is an old one, but:

Socks - check.
Watch - check.
Chalkbag clipped on with biner - check.
Climbing (by definition not really climbing) a 5.7 - check.
Those climbing shoes sure ain't Testarossas. ... &GT1=42003

Must be a gumby.

At least the Twix commercial is cool.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:55 am
by TankAzz
there's something very primitive about the way dan osman speed soloed.... he kinda looks like an orangutang

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:17 am
by Lander
pigsteak wrote:
Josephine wrote:a gumby does not recognize that other people might want to climb the route he's on. he will sit at the base and jabber with his friends about how "hard" the climb is and the big "whipper" (3 feet) his buddy took. he will continue to jabber while you tie in, lead a neighboring route while waiting & your partner TRs and cleans that route. at that point he will saftey check his partner and finally be ready to leave the ground. only to pump himself out after passing every rest on route and need a take at the last bolt. where they will continute to talk for the next 10 minutes while he rests. an hour and a half later (not an exaggeration) he will be done with the route and allow someone else the privledge of climbing the best 5.8 in the gorge.

rock have officially become an old crustie..bitter and entitled.
Yes, she has indeed reached that state. Welcome aboard, Josie. I'm afraid it just comes with the territory. If you wish to warm up on any sport climb 5.9 or less you'd better get going early in the morning so you can beat the inevitable gumby invasion. I prefer the term jerry, which I beleive originated right here in Ky and to me is somehow even more derogatory but since this thread uses the gumby word I'll go with that.

That particular climb (27 Years) seems to draw them like flies. Gumbies usually roll in posses of 8 to 10. But they don't disperse along the cliff in groups of two like normal people. Oh no. Then they wouldn't be able to jabber incessantly while they take turns laying seige to the one and only climb they came there to conquer that day. Each gumby in turn will have the chance to thow themselves at the climb for an hour or so. If someone asks to quickly do the climb for a warmup the gumbies will be perturbed. Doesn't this rude individual realize that they were there first?!? Besides, that will set them back a whole hour( nobody could do it in less than that amount of time)!! Their group came to do the best 5.8 in Kentucky and by God other people can go somewhere else! Talk about a sense of entitlement. :roll: :Where do these people come from?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:22 am
by 512OW
Lander wrote:[ Gumbies usually roll in posses of 8 to 10. But they don't disperse along the cliff in groups of two like normal people. Oh no. Then they wouldn't be able to jabber incessantly while they take turns laying seige to the one and only climb they came there to conquer that day. Each gumby in turn will have the chance to thow themselves at the climb for an hour or so. If someone asks to quickly do the climb for a warmup the gumbies will be perturbed. Doesn't this rude individual realize that they were there first?!? Besides, that will set them back a whole hour( nobody could do it in less than that amount of time)!! Their group came to do the best 5.8 in Kentucky and by God other people can go somewhere else! Talk about a sense of entitlement. :roll: :Where do these people come from?
You could switch out 5.8 for 5.13 and you have a typical day at the Lode.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:57 am
by Pcgoss
I think it makes people feel better about themselves to label others. This is evidence of it! Why don't you make "Gumby's" wear little yellow stars on their clothing?

I will be the first to admit that I am new to lead climbing. I ask others questions all the time. I read all that I can about safety concerns and its still not enough.I wear a helmet because i feel safe with it and I don't want to have that one freak accident where I'm left terry schiavo'ed. I have met a lot of nice people at the gorge so far, however when I come to these forums to gain knowledge and stumble upon threads like these... it kinda turns me off to the climbing community we have.

There are rude people out in the world and half of you people are complaining about just that. So I guess what I am getting at is, what good is it to sit here and bitch about something you cant change? All you can do as an individual is treat others with respect and advise them about safety concerns and perhaps the rules of the land(ie Muir valley), o and the most important keep yourself happy and to have fun climbing!

go ahead and flame me but I'm just giving my 2 cents, and i will most likely be called a gumby for it... its inevitable i suppose.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:15 am
by der uber
~ Attaching your chalkbag with a LOCKING biner

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 8:18 am
by jordancolburn
No, everybody had to start out somewhere, and You'd be hardpressed to find someone out climbing who wouldn't help you out as long as you were courteous, followed the rules and realized you're not the only one out on the wall. This thread is mainly making fun of people who show up to the wall to do their rad project(5.9-) take up the wall all day, litter, talk loudly and spray about the 5.8 they sent the weekend before, and have little regard for other people. Nobody wants to help guys like that out, they wouldn't listen anyway.