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Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:50 am
by Yasmeen
pianomahnn wrote:I am not a sheep being lead to slaughter.
Good point. Got any other original cliches?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:59 am
by Spragwa
pianomahnn wrote:
I am not a sheep being lead to slaughter.
Nah, just another lemming walking off a cliff. :lol: :lol:

People who think that they have original thoughts crack me up.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:13 am
by pianomahnn
har har har

Continue on your apathetic path of freedom destruction. I hope it feels good to know your government is out of control because of ignorant voters.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:41 am
by Spragwa
I am far from apathetic. But I think that you're so cute the way you scream, turn red and shake your little fists.

My belief is that the two party system will remain until we decide to change the constitution and restructure voting. That isn't going to happen. Americans are far to proud of the system that we've established. Don't get me wrong I love our constitution. There are aspects of it, however, that I would like to see changed. Until they do, I will vote democrat. That's my position. There are arguments that could sway me, but you are incapable of making them.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:28 pm
by Saxman
Sorry, but the wasted vote issue is an important aspect of this election. Sometimes it is better to vote someone OUT of office and settle with who has to replace the one you want out. To think that a vote for a third party sends a "message" is rediculous while most of the country still votes on a two party system. Kerry is not the best choice to lead this country, but voting for any third party, communist, socialist, etc., is not going to get your ideas represented in the executive office. What's more important, an ideal or action? That is similar to a big problem us liberals suffer from. Instead of ensuring action gets taken, even if it is not totally what we want, we sit around and discuss the issue ad nauseum, then a bunch of us vote for some yahoo that has no chance, while the conservatives take action and get people in office who pass legislation that we DONT want. Which makes more sense? Sometimes one has to know when to fight the good fight and when to suck it up and accept less than one wants so one can get MORE of what one wants later. Change is slow, especially in a country that is as uneducated, stubborn, and politally polarized as this one is.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:35 pm
by pianomahnn
Spragwa wrote:My belief is that the two party system will remain until we decide to change the constitution and restructure voting. That isn't going to happen.
Indeed it will not. Why? Because most people just don't care.
Americans are far to proud of the system that we've established. Don't get me wrong I love our constitution. There are aspects of it, however, that I would like to see changed. Until they do, I will vote democrat.
This "they" you speak of. Would these be the Democrats you're electing into office? Oh, I'm sure they will get right on changing the way things are done so they'll have a more difficult being elected or remaining in office.
There are arguments that could sway me, but you are incapable of making them.
What are these arguments that could sway you? I'm interested to find about positions you seem to know exist yet don't act upon because I've not presented them to you.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:44 pm
by unk
Spragwa wrote:There are arguments that could sway me, but you are incapable of making them.

What a bizarre, and irresponsible position. Do not bother you with the facts for your mind is already made-up, eh?

If one is aware of powerful ideas that outweigh one's current set of beliefs, but one refuses to embrace them, would not the words, dogmatic idealogue, apply with 100 percent accuracy?

We are all happy that you have choosen to reveal your thought process. It is always a pleasure to meet someone that uses their brain in much the same fashion that a neolith would. Congratulations on your newly minted membership in Club Myope.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:47 pm
by MiaRock
pianomahnn wrote:I am not a sheep being lead to slaughter.
you remind me of all the goth kids who say they dress the way they do to be individuals, meanwhile they all look the same!

whether you are a "mainstream" sheep or an "alternative" sheep you are still a sheep....

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:04 pm
by pianomahnn
Of course.

Because I make a concious decision to support a candidate I feel is fit for the job instead of being dummied into believing it's worthless to vote for anyone other than a Democrat or Republican.

How silly of me to think I was any different.

I don't expect you to understand my view. Most people don't and it's the reason the current state of The Union is as it is. I only hope someday during my life people wake up and realize just how much freedom we should have compared to what we really have.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:51 pm
by MiaRock
pianomahnn wrote:I don't expect you to understand my view. Most people don't and it's the reason the current state of The Union is as it is. I only hope someday during my life people wake up and realize just how much freedom we should have compared to what we really have.
are you somehow an enlightened person? do you know classified information, are you a psychic, how do you know what is best for our country?

aren't you being just a little self absorbed and elitist, actually you sound republican, no wondering you are supporting bush but don't want to admit it.