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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:46 pm
by Guest
I got 27 licks in the sixth grade. A career high for me. In high school I got it so hard that it bruised the bone and broke the skin. I was drug accross the floor in gym class by my foot and slung againt the bleachers.

It made me stronger. I can be punched in the face and ask you after you do it if there is something I can help you with. I don't loose control and start swinging. I don't get mad or hurt. To me corporal punishment is just another language, La Langue de chien.


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:14 pm
by overhung

You should go for it. I did the same thing. I finished my undergraduate while in the military and the GI Bill paid for a Masters in Edumacation. I've never regretted it. The money is probably not what you're used to, but hell, all the time off for climbing. Plus, everyday is fun. Well, not everyday, but you know what I'm getting at.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:39 pm
by GWG
I had a 5th grade teacher that would draw 3 circles on the board with chalk. The center one, being about 6" in diameter, would be colored in. The kid in trouble would have to face the board and stand on their tiptoes and erase the center circle with their nose while holding their hands out and keeping their fingers in the other 2 circles. If your hands dropped to your side or your fingers came out, he'd color the cirlce back in and you'd start all over again.

After erasing the center circle, you'd have chalk dust all over your face and down the front of you but the most painful part about it was the blister it raised on the end of your nose. Not only that, you'd be coughing up chalk dust for a week. :evil:

The same teacher would hang you up by your belt on the coat hook on the wall if you had trouble staying in your seat.

He was an odd character to say the least.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:45 pm
by Yasmeen
Sandy wrote:I'm considering going to school to get a masters of teaching for high school math or science.
ME TOO!! That's weird, Sandy... really, I have just recently made that decision! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 5:53 pm
by Wicked Tribe
Uh, I am not editing my posts. I really did want JH to know he is a jerk. That has not changed.

I've been the jerk before and everyone let me know about it. I never edited all my posts because of it. Get over it.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:03 pm
by Guest
Fuck you asshole. The only reason that I changed the post is because it is not apropriate to discuss probable legal action like what is going on in a public forum.

Keep your posts the way that they are. You never contributed to the discussion anyway

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:41 pm
by TrueNorth
I tried to emphasize, the scenario I presented was hypothetical. It is however one that needs to be taking seriously. It was derived from the contracting industry and is implemented regularly with different twist to fit the situation and needs of the client. Regardless to what strategy (if any) the oil company is implementing, we need to be aware that being on our “best behavior” is important.

When it is obvious that a given situation requires individuals within a group to present themselves is an appropriate manner each individual comprehends why it is important, and them one of the individuals immediately display counter productive mannerisms. I found this totally unacceptable and quite honestly dangerous to the well being of the group.

It is this very type of antics that can be and will be used against the RRGCC. And is one reason that Johnny, Shannon and I openly debated the merits on land ownership and management. This is not about passions, being right or who is wrong. It is about making an investment of 350,000.00 and being able to keep and use that investment. It is about, what is good for the whole.

Because of such issues we now once again faced with the old issue of ethics and just as importantly the enforcement of these ethics. It is my personal belief the ethics should be established and maintained by each small group of climbers and each group should hold each individual within that group accountable. I have never met JH and I have never shared a rope with him and therefore I don’t feel that it is my responsibility or place to hold JH accountable. But someone has and therefore someone should. Just as my close friends and climbing partners should (and do) if and when we intentionally or unintentionally step across the line.

JH I would encourage you not just to modify your entries, but also to talk to those you climb with, those you entrust your life with every time you climb. See how they feel about this situation and what additional actions, if any, would be appropriate. Talk to some of the old timers and see what they say. Establish within your own group a code of ethics and values and then work to achieve them. Perhaps this is something that already exists and is not obvious to the readers.

JH this is not coming from a RRGCC perspective, but from an individual who is bound to group of individual through trust, dedication and yes love. I am blessed to have five partners and guides who are strongly united by the realization that when we climb, our lives are dependent on each other. This unwritten responsibility to protect each other manifests itself into our everyday lives. I thank God everyday, that I go through life knowing that these individuals have me “on belay”. I would do nothing to jeopardize the goals and ambitions of anyone within this group.

If you haven’t done so: it is my sincerest wish that someday you had an opportunity and come to understand what it means to be involved in such a group.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:08 pm
by tomdarch
Spragwa wrote:LOL!!!! I almost died laughing from that. Are you Southern? I swear the teachers here are nuts! We had a fifth grade teacher who duck-taped this kid to a chair. He then taped his mouth shut with masking tape and wrapped it all the way around his head. In all fairness, we generally thought it was appropriate. Looking back on it now, I can see that it was NUTS!
Bah! That isn't 'southern'. It was done most famously by the judge in the infamous "Chicago 8 Trial" in the aftermath of the '68 police riots. (Brilliant strategy: when 'the man' screws up, put the victims on trial) It was a mockery of justice that, no doubt, resides high in Ashcroft's pantheon of anti-constitutional nuttiness. Anyway, one of the accused was a Black Panther, who represented himself. He wasn't taking any of the judge's crap, so the judge had him handcuffed to the chair, bound and gagged. At one point a bailiff struck him in the testicles, while bound and gagged. All this was done in front of the jury. If I remember right, they were all acquitted. (Of course, today, they would have been declared to be enemy combatants and shipped off to Cuba, incommunicado.)

Ooops - my sarcastic comment got lost in a rant! :lol:

Anyway, we got crazies up here too. I think my crazy teachers tended to be more of the 'slow burn' variety - less zany and more insidious.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:11 pm
by Spragwa
I read about that in my Political Trials Class. We even saw the tape. Dang that was't that judge later indicted for criminal activity?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:16 pm
by tomdarch
Spragwa wrote:Also, I am with Christian as to giving legal opinions on this forum and on these issues. Tomdarch, very perceptive of you.
Just to clarify - I wasn't trying to egg the lawers on to comment, rather I was trying to make a vaguely sarcastic comment by implying that their silence was an implicit comment on what was being said beyond the "I don't practice law on climbing forums" principle. How could that intent have been anything other than crystal clear?