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Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:29 pm
by DriskellHR
Toad wrote:DriskellHR wrote:If people can't obey the large sign that says "no Parking" thats right in front of their face, what makes you think they will look down and give a fuck then?
Why not just add the words "Violators Will Be Towed at Their Expense" right under the "No Parking"? Then do it. It will only take a few times before word gets out. Getting towed has a way of making people give a fuck.
I agree, but thats up to Rick and Liz (as always) I would be up for someone to do that very thing but it has to be at their behest.
I do like the letter/sticker idea! I will be making some up for next time down!
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:44 pm
by krampus
Didn't we already cover this stuff in a thread?
oh wait, it was the same thread 3 pages ago.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:51 pm
by Toad
Never assume anyone cares enough to read back that far.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:53 pm
by rhunt
Toad wrote:Gumbies are the problem...they come out of the gym with little to no "apprenticeship" from experienced climbers and most have little concern for the outdoors or other people.
IMO that's the main cause of access issues. It's the whole "urban climber" trend. (Really it should be called "suburban climber".) Rock climbing use to be a natural step from an already outdoor backpacking/hiking, camping, etc. Outdoor enthusiast know how to behave outdoors, suburban and urban kids that have never even been camping don't. Those kids go to the suburban/urban climbing gym, learn to climb and barely how to belay then they end up outside but act just as they did while at the gym. As for not obeying signs IMO that has more to do with the entitlement attitude than anything else. It's the same attitude that causes people to buy homes they can't afford.
Sorry just stating the problem, I don't really have any solutions. I do agree and think that severe punishment and showing zero tolerance is the way to teach these kids the correct way to behave. I too like to sticker idea but again severe and zero tolerance - towing should be the first thing - next being baned from climbing at MV. Something tells me the local towing companies would love the extra business!
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:10 pm
by Crankmas
arrived at Muir around 10:30 sat, lot was full with the mentioned parking by the don't park along the road sign all ready going on, immediate decision to move on due to earlier request by Rick to do so if lot was full, attempted to drive around the lot to leave but couldn't pass thru because a car was parked next to the kiosk, backed out the way we came in, passed at least three inbound cars on the short road out- crazy- sucky people from sucky parents that come from sucky schools who vote for sucky politicians- buy a clue people
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:19 pm
by tomdarch
I'm skeptical that towing is really an option - where exactly are these towing services located? How long would the round trip be from their lot to MV and back with the towed car? It could easily take over an hour to drive to MV, hook up the car, drive back to the lot and unload it - that doesn't make a lot of business sense to me. Also, for a towing service to work, they need a fenced in lot - where are these located, I haven't seen them around.
Also, this kind of "upping the ante" is exactly the kind of crap that the Webers shouldn't have to deal with. Towing cars puts them in the position of being "the bad guys" when the fault lies entirely on the shoulders of the schmucks who choose to not follow the rules.
"Toothpaste season" will be here soon, but there will be more super-crowded weekends to deal with in the fall (like Labor Day and/or Columbus Day). What can we do as a community to self-police this situation (other than smearing dog shit or chaining up cars?) Putting flyers on "offending" cars will probably get those individuals to not "re-offend", but the problem is all the "new" people who don't understand the situation. The only practical solution I can think of is to have people taking shifts to "greet" cars at the turn-off to the lot to remind people of the rules and to turn people away when the lot fills up. It would suck to loose a few hours of climbing to take a shift, but in exchange for all of the great climbing at MV, it's a trade-off I'd be willing to make.
(I don't think it's practical to change the physical lot/environment enough to get people to behave themselves - you can't stripe gravel, and you'd need lots of huge, obnoxious signs to get decent compliance. Plus, the Webers have done their part with the existing signs and lot.)
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:24 pm
by DriskellHR
I'd be willing to volunteer a few hours.vSounds like yet another plausable idea but it still come down to how the webers want to deal with it.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:33 pm
by Toad
tomdarch wrote:I'm skeptical that towing is really an option - where exactly are these towing services located? How long would the round trip be from their lot to MV and back with the towed car? It could easily take over an hour to drive to MV, hook up the car, drive back to the lot and unload it - that doesn't make a lot of business sense to me.
Gary King's Wrecker Service
8918 Highway 11 N, Zoe, KY
(606) 464-9797
Beattyville Service Center
Highway 52 W, Beattyville, KY
(606) 464-9953
This internet search stuff is "sniff" hard.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:44 pm
by rhunt
They didn't have a probelm towing cars out the bald rock road deep in the middle of the southern region when the oil company requested it. I agree, the Weber's shouldn't have to deal with yet another problem that should not exist...yet I guess this is what its all about when you open up your private property to a user group that continues to show their ugly side. Towing is the way to go. People do NOT need to be warned anymore about the rules at MV! Time to show ZERO tolerance to people who don't obey the rules before this gets any worse and closure is next.
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:47 pm
by ecp88
Before towing, put a full color sticker on their bumper: ... -award.jpg