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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:43 pm
by GWG
weber wrote:
One example: Last Sunday, six out of six dogs we saw in the valley were off leashes.
Want to see Muir stay open to the general public? Please read and follow our rules and guidelines. And, remind others who just don’t seem to get it.
Thank you,
Liz and Rick
I hope I'm stating the obvious here, this should be a wakeup call to everyone who climbs at MV.
I believe Mark started with
gentle reminders of the guidelines for Torrent and then followed up with requests that climbers need to follow these guidelines or action will have to be taken. When things didn't get better, there was the threat of shutting climbing off to everyone. Things seemed to improve for a short time and then slipped back to the way it always was. Now he's actually doing it.
Is this note from the Webers like the
"gentle reminder" we've heard from someone else? Think of the impact it would have if they, the Webers, were forced to follow the same path Mark is on?
We, in this climbing community, who have been the beneficiaries of so many generous folks like Mark, Liz, and Rick, need to pay attention to what is being said by these folks. If not, who can blame them for taking whatever action is necessary to get the respect they truly deserve. The guidelines set forth to follow are simple. Not adhering to them is a slap in their face. Why not just walk up to any of them and spit on them. So little is asked when so much is given.
Thanks Mark, Rick, and Liz for all you have offered to this community and have asked so little in return.
As a great modern day philosopher once stated: "this seems like deja vu' all over again"
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:02 am
by Zspider
What assholes. And I'm not talking about the Webers, either.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:47 am
by KD
Zspider wrote:What assholes. And I'm not talking about the Webers, either.
GWG is a nice guy and I'm sure he only has one of those!
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:29 pm
by rhunt
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:06 pm
by TankAzz
you have your fantasy tank, and i'll keep mine. choco made the movie for me, but like i said 'you live in your fantasy world, and i'll live in mine" and in my world, it does lick itself...or else it gets the hose again.
oh man... did you notice the open-mouth gum chewing throughout the movie? or the feeble attempts at a vacant, hard-ass stare? if you wanna see keira at her best, here's my advice: "bend it like beckham." she wears provocative clothing in a few parts, and the rest of the time she's in shorts and a sports bra. being the soccer fan you are, i would think you would be lovin' that!
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 8:12 pm
by soccerfast007
The plot thickened (
) and that was the basis of my draw to Domino (the movie not necessarily the character), and CLOSER also provides some knightly insight, also a movie that i enjoyed. thanks for the beckham beta, saw it and the soccer cutaways are soo bad i had to hate it on principle, all soccer movies since "victory" (all-star cast) have sucked and this trend will continue. i play for love of the game and typically only tune in for WCup (when i am usually in germany anyhow).
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:19 pm
by TankAzz
ha ha... wait, where was knightly in "closer"? that was natalie portman
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:11 am
by Zspider
soccerfast wrote: roomate is cracking open a beer at 9:21am while at work.
Breakfast of champions.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:54 pm
by Guest
I have no idea what is going on here
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:18 pm
by soccerfast007
portman == knightly its a cloning thing, actually yet another gaff by yours truly. tank you are killing me...softly