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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:35 pm
by Artsay want Military closed down too!?!?!

Okay, that's it piggy....BANNED! :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:42 pm
by pigsteak
sure do..then i can spray about how back in the day i was "this close" to sending "mule" but the closure thwarted my last redpoint attempt.

i was wondering how long it would take to get banned. Ho says it is impossible for him to get banned.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:34 am
by TradWanker
When all climing is closed, and that is not to far off people, wilkes86 and Sunshine will be screaming the loudest.. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Climing is inherently dangerous. If you want safety, play shuffleboard. What ya wanna bet they both bring annoying dogs to the crag?

Re: Loose bolt on The Rising at Muir Valley

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:14 am
by falling!!!!
wilkes86 wrote:The roof bolt on The Rising at Muir valley is loose as of 3/26. I could spin the hanger on the bolt easily as well as move it a little bit side to side.
I would like to thank wilkes86 for reporting the loose bolt on the Rising. And, also thank everyone for reporting these type of things. In the future, please report these directly to Rick or J-Rock in a PM, email or phone call.

As of today, I have taken all the hardware off this route as it has seemed to have caused more controversy than it is worth. And, for this I apologize to anyone that I have inconvenienced by having put this route up and now by removing it. This decision was totally mine. I put this route up so that I could do it. Now I've done it. I don't care if anybody ever does it again.

Please don't read anything into this that isn't here. There are no hidden meanings, bizaar conspiracies, sarcasm, or anything else. This means exactly what it says. If anyone wants to put this route back up because they would like to do it, and they get approval, then have at it.

Thanks, JJ

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:19 am
by the lurkist
good call JJ. You all are doing good work.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:59 am
by Artsay
Thanks for all your hard work and time, JJ.

That route was really cool. I remember looking at it and wondering what holds were over the roof because I couldn't see jack sh*t. Then I did it and laughed from sheer joy when I pulled the roof because the moves were so dang cool. Fun, fun line.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:19 am
by bryanboonern

I loved that route. :cry: My hardest lead so far. :cry: Clean falls. :cry: Great fun. :cry: Please put it back!!! :cry: I will pay to put in a glue-in at the problem bolt.