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Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:11 pm
by Horatio Felacio
captain static wrote:...Rap n' Rawkus...
what in the world is this? new name for derbyfest? what is a "rawkus"? is this a play on words, like "rawk climbing" and ruckus? who made this name up? i love it.

and just a reminder...

the 11th annual derelict fest will be held the same weekend at miguels. this years theme: boom trucks and vomit keep checking for more information!

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:13 pm
by longlegsrule

couldn't help but think he has a big smile on his face about now... :wink:

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:14 pm
by longlegsrule
I would like to learn how to bolt...mainly to respect those who do it...

trail day sounds fun too...

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:26 pm
by KD
very cool pic llr :) you're probably right.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:15 pm
by allah
there are also 3 other small bridges that need to be made for the approach to the Inner Circle and Purgatory. But those can wait, they have pretty sterdy logs as of right now. Everyone should pass on the word and maybe put up flyers at RRO, Miguels and Torrent. Cause I Remember back in the day, no one would tell us youngsters about maintiance days and then people would give us shit for not showing up and helping out. We must rememeber that not everyone that climbs at the gorge reads this web site and checks the forums.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:18 pm
by captain static
Horatio Felacio wrote:
captain static wrote:...Rap n' Rawkus...
what in the world is this? new name for derbyfest? what is a "rawkus"? is this a play on words, like "rawk climbing" and ruckus? who made this name up? i love it.
The 1978 Benjamin/Pearsall guidebook was "Rawk! A Climber's Guide to Red River Gorge". With the name of Spencer's video & Odub performing both nights the name just came together.

OK folks, only two people have contacted me over on about volunteer assignments. Like KD said, only 3 weeks left to get this thing rolling.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:20 pm
by Wes
If it seems like there will be enough people to get things done at sore heel, then I think another worthy project would be somehow fixing the swampy section of the solar collector / dark side trail. I would be willing to help out with that, even do most of the work, if someone can give me ideas on what would work best.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:20 pm
by 88keys
Thanks to everyone for thinking about doing trail work & bolting/climbing in honor of Johnny. Since John's death I have wanted to try to have an annual trial/bolting day or something each year in his honor. I really haven't had the energy or whatever to get it off the ground. So, thank you for thinking of him. I am sure he would appreciate your efforts.


Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:52 pm
by Meadows
Wes wrote:I think another worthy project would be somehow fixing the swampy section of the solar collector / dark side trail. I would be willing to help out with that, even do most of the work, if someone can give me ideas on what would work best.
I second that.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 1:12 am
by bob
I think that any recognition of John's accomplishments and vision is a wonderful thing. A trail and bolting day would certianly be a small step toward this. I would support any efforts in this direction and only ask that they be coordinated with Bill Strachan and Tim Powers with regard to the "Red River Rawkus". Terry Kindred would also be someone to contact.

I knew John all too briefly. Our short encounters left me with a lasting impression of his passion for climbing and the outdoors. John and Shannon are the reason I became involved with the coalition, their dream of climber owned property became my own because of them.

Due to John and his dreams, we,as a community,have an opportunity to establish the largest climber owned property in the world. Access is determined on our property by climbers and the focus of any property use issues is from a perspective of climbing. No one can evict us from what we own. I feel that we, as a community, should step up and bolt John's lines as well as anything that we feel deserving and that what we do should be dedicated to John, Alec and anyone else who may have contributed and not be here to celebrate with us the thing that we do.