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Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:48 pm
by Spragwa
the lurkist wrote:My recommendation as climbers is to talk to people. If someone is doing the backflips, as climbers who care about the cliff maybe we should try to dissuade them.
So to that end we actively tell climbers that high risk ground sweeping jumps are discouraged at the Lode. But in the meantime the same falls are aggrandized in heroic form without the risk or the prep for the stunt being made explicit in a video that everyone in the climbing world can see.
I agree that dissuading folks from this is good idea. But encouraging it in a widely seen medium runs contrary to that logic.
I should have prefaced my recommendation with the caveat of "those who are so concerned with having the Lode shut down"
Rarely have I seen people comment when a climber is doing something dangerous, like letting their gumby girlfriend belay them on a climb that's at their limit. People tend to sit back, avert their eyes and hope that no one dies. So, if someone is truly concerned about the crag being shut down, maybe the answer is to speak up when you see something like this instead of complaining after the fact. (I'm not speaking to anyone directly)
People have heard about the backflip from coast to coast...literally. The people who see the video already know about it. The idiots who want to emulate it should be removed from the gene pool. They aren't Andrew and will probably eat it.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:30 pm
by rhunt
this whole discussion is or I thought was about responsible climbing. Our actions at the crag mean something and have a direct affect on everyone else, we as the red river climbing community have painfully learned this homey hole. I am really glad I started this whole rant, tells me how much "we" have learned.
I don't give a shit if anyone does back flips or any other stupid shit at the crag, i don't give a shit if other people start doing that from seeing it in a video...Dan O showed that it is stupid and you will die doing stupid shit like that. I do care that we show the ignorant non-climbing community that "we"( the red river climbers) are responsible intelligent climbers and respect the privilege to climb on private land.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:50 pm
by Jeff
I think it looks cool as hell in the trailer, but I can't help thinking: What if a big loop of rope worked it's way around your neck while you were flipping.
Saw a guy in jump school have the static line work around his wrist as he was exiting the plane. What was left of his hand was never the same.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:13 am
by Horatio Felacio
hey jeff, look at your quote man. unless your decking every now and then, you're being a pussy.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:50 am
by rockstar
darwin works in wonderful ways
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:59 am
by Jeff
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:04 am
by ynp1
PUSSIES!!!! grow a fucking pair. im sure the jumps were not A5, and they film people doing A5's all the time.
hey man watch this......
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:29 am
by anticlmber
last`words of a redneck, and believe me heard it enough. the jump in the video (as well as stuff in any other video) is not going to make peopl start hurling themselves off cliffs. if they do without forethought then good riddence, hope i get to see the impact. i also agree with the FACT that people dont speak out on any other "safety"/ethic issues. crap belays, practice falls, victory whips, tick marks, trash, dogs every damn where and many other stupid mistakes that cause cliffs to be shut as well. "these folks are sketch lets go" or "you should have seen these chodes, blah blahblah when your back at the camp. dont be a pus speak up on the spot tell them whats up...nicely explain to them why they shouldn't do something, and if someone offers you a suggestion, dont be the all knowing cock knocker you think you are.
the media influnces the weak minded, yes this site counts, but if you act on those impulses than you deserve what comes your way. i watched alot of the filming and it doesnt make me want to jump. pornos on the other hand influence me very much.
watch the video and be amazed, if you dont agree then dont watch it , ( but you know you want to) otherwise shut the hell up, im trying to watch the movie.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:41 am
by Spragwa
Forget it. I've said my peace on this thread. No reason to stir up ill emotions.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:58 pm
by squeezindlemmon
Can't they just stick a "Kids, don't do this at home (or at a privately owned crag)" warning thing in there? Works for Jackass.