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Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 9:49 pm
by tomdarch
Saxman wrote:Well, I try not to be too mean about it. He did make it through Yale and he ran a baseball team. That counts for something doesn't it? Hell, who am I kidding.
See Sprag's comment above. George hasn't busted his ass for a day in his life. I guess that people who don't have much contact with our supposedly 'elite' schools don't get how they work. Right now at one of our 'elite' universities, Kuang Kim and Shaniqua Washington are busting their asses and are going to go on to do great things, while Woodsworth "Chip" Wilmington, IV is on the floor of his dorm room trying to lick the last bits of blow out of a baggie while the dean of his college is calling one of his professors to stop her from failing Chip just because he hasn't shown up to class for two months. Doesn't she understand how important the Wilmington Grant is to the school? Harvard, Yale and all the other 'elite' schools (in a tradition going back to Cambridge and Oxford) have something called the "Gentleman's C". If you are the child of someone rich and powerful, then you will be admitted even if you are not qualified to attend the school, and you will not be failed out.

I've seen it myself at my 'elite' high school in Chicago. I went to school with the children of various business big-wigs, politicians (like the mayor, various aldermen, a former senator) and so on. Those kids weren't (with a few exceptions) in my honors track classes. There were, shall we say, 'special' classes for them. Despite their test scores and grades, many of them were accepted at some 'elite' universities. I've known kids like George, and I am not impressed.

Also, no one was stupid enough to let George 'run' the baseball team. (After all, they all knew how well he had run his TWO FAILED oil companies.) He was a VP whose main "duties" were to attend lots of games and talk with people in the stands. Oh, and attract money to the team from people who hoped to win influence with his dad by investing in the team. Sadly, that was probably the peak of his career.

While we're at it, why don't people add 'Jet Fighter Pilot" to George's resume? After all, we spent more than a million dollars training him to defend Texas and Alabama (sort of) from, uh, foreign air attack. Considering how much more glamorous 'Texas Jet Fighter Pilot' is than 'riding around in a boat on the rivers of Viet Nam getting shot at daily', you'd think that he'd play that up more, don't you?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:53 pm
by tomdarch
unk wrote:Just came back from the film.


I cannot believe what passes a a "documentary". While I thought it was definitely entertaining, I was distressed at how many new "facts" were nothing but already disproven accusations.
On one hand, all 'documentaries' are biased and present a particular 'point of view', on the other, anyone who is vaguely familiar with Moore's work knows what he is up to. I'm a bit surprised at your surprise. As I'll get to below, don't be so sure that Moore's claims are as off as you seem to think.
The main allegation about the Saudi family and Laden relatives was proven false by Richard Clark himself, who testified that it was HE that authorized their departures, AND it happened AFTER the skies were reopened to ALL.
This claimed 'disproving' is based on a piece by Michael Isikoff titled "Under the Hot Lights" in Newsweek, and has been reprinted elsewhere. I am all for picking apart polemical stuff like Moore's, but sadly, Isikoff's piece misses the mark. Moore is basing his statements on research by Craig Unger. What Unger asserts is that the flights began on the 13th, when the restrictions were still in place. The timing of the flights have been confirmed by people on the flights themselves, like Dan Grossi and Manuel Perez, and by airports, such as Tampa International. Quite simply, when the flights began on the 13th, they did have special clearance. When I see the film, I'll pay attention to whether Moore clouds this point or not, but for the time being, don't blindly trust Isikoff's supposed 'refutation' or any spin on Clark's statements.

But even more important than the special privileges given to the Saud/bin Laden flights was the fact that the people on the flights were allowed to go before they had been meaningfully interviewed, before their backgrounds had been meaningfully checked and before any significant investigation had begun. Several of the people on those flights had, in fact, been 'interviewed', but not in any meaningful way. People who had been fighting Osama bin Laden for years all say that on Sept. 11, they felt that bin Laden was most likely behind the attacks, but the Bush administration extended these special privileges to the Saudis when they might have had important information.

We couldn't know at that early date that they weren't important, but for some reason they were whisked away, regardless. That is the gist Moore's whole point.
How do you Americans justify such a blatant disregard for the truth? I think Moore has some points, but fabricating information, and a blatant ad hominem attack is poor form and should be discouraged in favor of legitimate discourse and action.
I agree that ad hominem attacks are generally a bad thing, but in this case the Bush administration repeatedly says 'trust us'. They are doing this with Guantanamo, with the definition of 'torture', with suspension of habeas corpus for US citizens, and in many other ways based on the old 'we have classified information' claims. In these ways, the administration is saying 'trust George W. Bush'. These ad hominem attacks are a way to point out that he is untrustworthy.
For shame to those too undereducated to realize the man is playing fast and loose with the facts and who will then allow this type of sensationalized rhetoric to shape their choices politically.

There was some funny stuff for sure, but the overall tenure of the film was rather hostile and vile, and it seems clear to those in the know (leftists pundits are already distancing themselves on Sunday blather-fests) that the type of rhetoric used in the film is more divisive than anything we have seen from either side (left or right) previously.
You make it clear that you aren't an American in your post, but nothing drives that home more than your ignorance of what is going on here. If you think that Moore is 'fabricating' or that the film is 'more divisive' then you will be truly shocked by what people like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter, who are true Right-Wing propagandists, are doing. The Right has had a while now to pick apart F9/11, and so far the best they have come up with is quibbles like yours with the exact timing of the lifting of various flight restrictions vis a vis various flights. And they haven't even gotten their facts quite straight.

Limbaugh may have the excuse of drug addiction for some of his lies and fabrications, but Couter, in her books like 'Treason', does not. She is the pundit who famously suggested on national television that the US occupy the whole of the muslim world and forcibly convert them to Christianity. In her best-selling books she does the obvious like tweak statistics or omits words to misrepresent people's quotes. But she goes much further when she makes claims such as one that the New York Times is an elitist, leftist bit of trash because they didn't report on the death of a stock car driver. Not only did the NYT report on it, they ran a front page photo of the crash! There are many more examples of her flat-out lies, but that's a nice simple one that I can remember off the top of my head.
I feel sorry for Moore that he needs to stoop to such low levels in order to make his points, AND more importantly, I wholly question the use of such a medium to deliver such a message, to such a blatantly undereducated and wanting mass such as the American movie going public.
In part, that's just Moore's style. Watch Roger and Me to get a feel for the kind of desperation he's coming from. You can easily imagine an outraged person from the north of England making a similar film about what Thacher did to cities like Sheffield. But more importantly, if you compare how the US corporate media have covered this administration to how entities like the BBC have, you'll see how much has been ignored or oversimplified in the US coverage. (How many Americans know that the term 'enemy combatant' was made up by the administration, and has no meaning in international treaties? Or how about the British reporter who asked Blair what standing he had to criticize the Chinese on human rights abuses after revelations about abuse in Iraq? No US reporter has shown Bush II that kind of spine or honesty.) It is that vacuum that Moore is responding to. He probably is going to far, but it's nothing compared to the bile-filled lies that we have been enduring for years here from the Right.
Your entire system of entertainment and news have blurred their lines beyond comprehension. So much so, that the real truth has narry a chance of surviving the maelstrom of negativity most United States residents seem to feed off of like so much poisoned teat milk.

Good luck.
Generally, I agree with your last statement. With a defense contractor owning one of the major TV news channels, it isn't surprising. With Rupert Murdoch running an overtly biased 'news channel' that is devoid of journalistic integrity, it isn't surprising. With a population who can't find themselves on a world map, it isn't surprising.

But, after all, you saw the film, then swallowed a half-truth critique of it without realizing it.

All punditry aside, where are you from?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:15 pm
by Spragwa
Nice one TD. Such a thorough reply. Dang.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:22 am
by unk

I enjoyed your properly articulated reponse to my reponse to other responses.....

As for "where are you from", I fail to see why that should make a difference, unless you will clevery use it as a way of undermining my position inthe same fashion you have undermined my earlier opinion with a set of flowery words, and the same canned rhetoric I have heard from many that reside left of center in this country. Your style is excellent, your form is precise, but your background information is incorrect and fallacious.

I am intimately familiar with Moore's film, Roger & Me, as well as his other efforts. As a media professional, I find them entertaining, but deplorable. He is far worse in his perversions of reality than anything I have seen from any US administration, whether it be Mr Clinton, Mr Bush, Mr Eisenhower, or even Mr Roosevelt.

I am sure the folly and energy of youth are wonderful when it comes to climbing, but when it comes to understanding the world at large, it many times will leave one lacking insight, wisdom, and understanding.

Suffice it to say, I am from a great many places, some of which you have no doubt familiarity with, and some with which you may not know. As it is, I am in this neck of the woods currently, mostly looking to do some climbing in between research sessions, and I stumbled into this little thread only to share my opinion, not to pick a fight, so forgive me for bowing to your greater abilities in this ( a discusion apolitico). I mean no dis-respect to you or others that share your viewpoint, but I have lived and seen for myself what the truth of current American policies in the Middle East, and their protrayal in the film is not accurate.

So....I enjoy your position and your rhetoric, but actual historical evidence has you on the wrong side of things.

If, however, you are interested in doing some rock climbing, I would be happy to meet with you so that we could further an intelligent discourse in person, and not bore the rest of these fine folk......

I leave with this last comment, and not to ire, but out of curiosity:

Your position that your current administration is a greater threat to your way of life than are the Islamsts your are warring with is extraordinarilly short-sighted and shows either a complete lack of understanding of the world of Islam and their goals, or you have allowed your personal hatreds of an individual to taint and sway your mind beyond any intelligent chance of remaining open-minded.

Seeing that you are mostly intelligent and capable of reasoning, it would seem to be the latter and not the former. Either way, thanks for the deep and hearty laugh.

Happy climbing!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:27 am
by Saxman
The film is a documentary and is not meant as usual "entertainment." It is meant to piss you off. The main emphasis was the connection between the House of Saud and the Bush family which is very factual. If one reads or sees foreign news, then the information about the House of Saud and terrorism is nothing new.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:41 am
by Meadows
Geez! A lot of interminable posts on here! Hope you guys found time to climb. And where the hell is Pigsteak for this argument? This is right up his ally.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:48 am
by unk
Good point.

As it stands, it did not piss me off so much as made me laugh at the luducrous positions it took.

ALL US leaders have slept with the Sauds. Period. Bush no more so thatn Clinton, or Bush, or Mr Carter before him. In fact, it was Mr Carter that sold AWACS to the Saud in the 70's.

Be that as it may, the idea that the war is being used as a "decoy" for some other real action is beyond the pale. Making the accustaion itself displays a lack of understanding of the compexities of the modern world.

This was made clear to us before the war, if one was paying attention:

The war is being fought to bring sweeping political change to a region that is almost 1,000 years behind the modern world in almost every conceivable fashion.

Now, one may argue whether the US has this right or not to attempt such a thing, but all other arguments about what the "war is for" are ludicrous, and inaccurate.

American Liberal Irony of the moment: Liberals want to change the world for the better, yet when one of your leaders attempts this very thing, they put every conceivable roadblock in that person's path. The lesson learned is that liberals want to change the world, so long as THEY are the only ones doing the changing.

I suggest to some of you to spend some time living under Islamist rule before you take a firm opinionated stance on what is happening, and why. Until that moment in time, there are few amoung you whose experinces are valid enough for your opinions to be so loud and far reaching. Your nat ion is involved in a holy war, wheter you want to be or not. Liberals, being the secularized people that they are, still want to renounce this notion, for the very idea of being a nation that is religious is anathema to the leftist agenda. But the US was, is, and will be One nation uder god, with freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

Until you people get your feces frmly congealed and realize you are all on the same team, your heads will be handed to you.


If you don't think so, just keep watching.

Don't be fools.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:50 am
by spuzo
well, the lines are drawn. Sides have been taken. All of the arguement in the world is not going to change either sides vote. YOU are going to vote the way that you are gong to vote. Vote for what you believe in November.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:02 am
by unk
spuzo wrote:well, the lines are drawn. Sides have been taken. All of the arguement in the world is not going to change either sides vote. YOU are going to vote the way that you are gong to vote. Vote for what you believe in November.
I think this is the saddest thing I have taken from this film:

That America has become completely polemic, with even the brightest minds refusing to remain open.

Years from now, many of you will realize the tremendous injustice Moore has comitted upon your country and your people. That anyone would look to a buffon such as he for political infomation speaks as loudly as Moore himself did when he exclaimed to his French audience: "Americas are the stupidest people in the world."

With each dollar generated, the rest of the world's intelligentsia cringes at the decreptuded and dimness of what has become of the brilliant beacon of hope that America once kept alit.

Both sides in your silly political arguments are fighting your way to an inglorious and ignoble death.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:14 am
by pianomahnn
tomdarch wrote:In the end, only grown-ups are given the vote in the US, and you need to act and think like a grown-up, like it or not.
Ah. So I have to act like my "grown up" parents, vote for the "lesser of two evils" and then get upset when the person I vote for is a complete idiot?

I think not. I'm an adult, and I think for myself. I will not be mindfucked into thinking a Democrat or a Republican is a good choice for office and the only choice. These two parties have done NOTHING but shit all over the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights that accompany it.

I refuse to give my vote to someone like that.

I am not a sheep being lead to slaughter.