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Post by Crankmas »

I defer to my banana cognac and the closing scene of China Town, I'm your mother, I'm your sister...
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Post by mike_a_lafontaine » I feel like I'm listening to one of those late-night AM call in shows where some dude calls in and tells the host that he has been in contact with a Zirulian battle cruiser just outside the moon's orbit that is in a heated battle with a rebelious force intent on destroying the Earth, but of course, NASA can't detect them because they are cloaked, but they decided instead to let the world know about their heroic efforts to save the human race through the first drunken fisherman they could find...
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Post by Crankmas »

ask em what kinda bait they're using
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Post by der uber »

bet you five bucks your system doesn't catch on.
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Post by Xtant »


Sure is a lot of fun while you're doing it...
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Post by krampus »

hit the water supply and maybe then we'll understand
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Post by anticlmber »

i hear you huffnpuff but sometimes you just have to explain this stuff in person rather than the late-night AM ramblings on the intraweb
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Post by dhuff »

It's all good, I know people will only truly open up when shown in person. Just trying to get people thinking out of the mind's normal area of comfort into the uncertain, into the realm which the subconscious mind programming we've all been exposed to for our entire lives tries to keep them from. For example, I know that if I say something about a 'conspiracy theory,' probably 3 or 4 out of every 5 people will automatically stop listening and mentally block my words out, without even consciously knowing why. It's like that with plenty of buzz words.

I'm really just sad for the folks ignoring this information, because everyone who is just writing this off is literally denying their own existence. You all exist in a form that is infinitely greater and incomprehensibly more wise and powerful than your physical form. But one day we'll be forced to choose transcendence and unity, or physicality and separation. I'm going with the former.
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Post by Rollo »

anticlmber wrote:all those who believe in telepathy, raise my hand.
did your hand just go up?
And on the third day, God created the Red River Gorge(by conjecture), and he saw that it was good.
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Post by anticlmber »

they may not be ignoring, they may be on a different frequency. think of it this way, not everyone is a good person, most have the ability but not everyone is good. (dahmer, hitler, etc.) now, lets say that thos who are "enlightened", lets call them...cristins, have this place of eternal being and it is amazing. like neverland ranch w/o the buttfucking. now you want everyone to be able to come to this wonderous place but, just like miggie's, it turns into a shit show of jihddists and frat boys. doesn't sound as nice now does it?
some people should just be allowed to vibrate as they choose. keeps the nice places nicer.
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