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Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:32 pm
by pigsteak
move the furniture for a clear shot of the door? mind me asking where you were sleeping to be so paranoid?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:15 pm
by caribe
I wonder what my chances are of dying by violent crime if I am not involved in drug deals, or I am not part of a gang? I live a simple life; there is not a lot around here to steal. Is it worth the trouble and the philosophical perturbation to my peaceful world view to learn warfare to defend myself?
[♥] This very question made me quit martial arts. I was a more violent person when I acted out violence everyday. Sparring with a friend or a punching bag, the jabs, kicks and throws contained a violent element.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:34 pm
by Clevis Hitch
Right here in Lee county. I don't know what it is compared to other places in Amerika but the per capita random violence/murder rate is off the scales. I've slept on four continents and have never felt as insecure as I have in Lee county. I've had several overnights in places like South side of Chicago. Gary, Indiana. Ontario, California. Subic Bay, P.I.. none of them were as insecure as here.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:44 pm
by caribe
Clevis Hitch wrote:Right here in Lee county. I don't know what it is compared to other places in Amerika but the per capita random violence/murder rate is off the scales.
What is the rate and why do you think it is so high?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:48 pm
by pigsteak
Clevis Hitch wrote:Right here in Lee county. I don't know what it is compared to other places in Amerika but the per capita random violence/murder rate is off the scales. I've slept on four continents and have never felt as insecure as I have in Lee county. I've had several overnights in places like South side of Chicago. Gary, Indiana. Ontario, California. Subic Bay, P.I.. none of them were as insecure as here.
there are meds for these delusions ya now...heck, I bet someone in Lee Cty can even hook you up.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:56 pm
by Clevis Hitch
In the last five years I know of at least five murders that have happened on this side of the county. Some of them were truly random. Like the time ythat these three crack heads thought that this one guy was a narc. They got him, took him to the southern region and beat him to death and parked his car on top of him. Fairly random act. I dont think the victim was even into drugs or even knew the perpetrators. You guys don't know it but the southern region is a dangerous place. There has been more murders and bodies dumped there than you would believe. This stuff doesn't make the national news and rarely makes the local television other than " A lee county local was found dead along a gravel road , and now the weather."

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:36 am
by L K Day
They see themselves as a bit more civilized in Great Britain. ... 025354.php

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:31 am
by Wes
Nope, no drugs or alcohol, we were like 11 or something. He was just dumb.
caribe wrote:This very question made me quit martial arts. I was a more violent person when I acted out violence everyday. Sparring with a friend or a punching bag, the jabs, kicks and throws contained a violent element.
There is nothing wrong with violence, even extreme violence. I know your Mom and kindergarten teachers said the violence never solves anything, but they were wrong.

If you have ever spent time watching a grizzly in the wild, they are tame as a doe - just wandering around eating plants, digging roots and the occasional marmot/pika. But, do something to cause one to feel threatened by you, and you will be able to experience serious violence first hand. Once it feels you are no longer a threat, it will just wander off again. That is violence without aggression.

The problem with violence is when it goes with aggression, and that isn't good. But, having the potential for violence isn't bad, as long as it is only called upon when justified. Most of the really good martial arts people I know are like that - calm peaceful people, first ones to walk away from conflict if they can, but cause them to feel a real threat, and all hell breaks loose. Same with 99.9 percent of gun owners / concealed carry people. This is the way it should be - the power to be violent, with a lack of aggression.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:45 am
by Clevis Hitch
So let me tell you a story. This happened recently, I was in Alabama, Driving along a four lane divided highway that was not limited access. There were intermitant stop lights and cross overs with the occasional full blown intersection and stop lights.
I'm driving in the fast lane cruising about 5 miles over the limit...staying out of everyones way, Just cruising. There is a slow truck up ahead in the slow lane and there is a Jeep grand cherokee following it. As I over-take the two vehicles in the slow lane the cherokee suddenly changes lanes right in front of me, basically cutting me off. I tap the brakes , shutting off the cruise and falling in behind the cherokee. No problem. The cherokee passes the tractor trailer and instead of changing lanes just hangs out in the fast lane. After a minute of following the cherokee I change lanes to pass the chereokee on the right. Nothing agressive, just slowly passing on the right since he wouldn't yield the right of way to the faster vehicle. As I pull along beside the cherokee he gradualy increased his speed to keep me penned in the slow lane and not allow me to pass. As I was still accelerating to get around the cherokee I didn't realize that he was trying to keep me penned in and prevent me from passing. As all of this was going on we were coming upon slower moving traffic and they were in my lane. I needed to get around him, as I had commited myself to passing the cherokee.
I heard his engine Rev and he down shifted as I passeed him, He was still bent on keeping me penned in. I made the pass and I guess it pissed him off. He starts riding my ass. I'm in a toyota and he's in a full sized truck. I guess he was going to try and intimidate me. He's so close all I see is the grill in the rear-view mirror. That's O.K. because I just start cruising again. About 10 mph faster than what he was originally going. He won't let it go,though and stays on my ass, so I tap the brakes. Nothing hard,just enough to light up the lights. He still stays there. So since he's behind me I just start cruising again. I would've gotten away from this asshole completely except a light turns red on me up ahead and we were going to be stopping together. I check the rear-view to see what he's going to do and sure enough the driver changes lanes so that he'll come up beside me and I also notice that the passenger is in the back getiing something. I calmly ask my wife to hand me my .45. She realizing what the passenger was doing and how dire the situation has degraded, imediately complys. So when we pull up to the light, in the crook of my left elbow sat the .45. It was just below the passengers line of sight and he couldn't see the gun. I didn't want to flash a gun and escalate an already morbid situation.I just wanted to be ready in case it degraded further. Sure enough, when the cherokee pulls up beside me the passenger had the window down and was hanging out of it and had his right hand inside. So he's yelling and screaming at me about how he's gonna kill me. I just sat there at the red light waiting for his right hand to come up. I never said a thing to him and when the light turned green I went. Halfway through the intersection the driver swerved at me. Just trying to intimidate me. Then they were out front and gone. The whole time I never took my eyes off of the passengers hands and never said a word to them. The whole time I was being hard pressed and they were attempting to intimadate me. I know that they don't realize what they were up against. If that passsenger had've come up with that gun. I would've killed him dead. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all!!

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:46 pm
by kato
L K Day wrote:But a single shot like the Contender would be one of the poorest choices.
I am a fairly deliberate shooter and the Contender is one of the most fun guns I've shot. A buddy once brought a duffel bag full of guns to the range and I had the most fun with the Contender (had the .410 barrel, a .22 barrel, and some medium caliber), and a lever action .50 cal rifle. If I ever have a weapons budget, those two guns are in my top 4.