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Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:25 pm
by clif
i don't think Huge was being 'mean'. this stuff is just growing pains, i think most of it's good, even the parts that reveal the developmentally challenged.

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:12 pm
by Clevis Hitch
Far be it from me to dwell on a raw nerve or to even give up the chance to exploit the obvious rift between ...

Michelle; you are still a super hero, even though Hugh was bagging on you he wasn't trying to be "mean". Even though you didn't show up for the meeting, you also didn't show up for your own reward(well deserved to!)so all things being equal, you are even steven.

Hugh; Hugh you are creepy tall. I feel that at the last meeting we may have exchanged brains. Gawd help you if we did!

...and moving along...Look we could dwell on this negative bull****! until we are all over run with gumby/zombies. But lets be adults and forget the name calling and finger pointing and, just put that in a little box and forget about it until we can come up with a direction. There is a solution.

We should brainstorm this out right now and see what we come up with.

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:47 pm
by climb2core
Clevis Hitch wrote:Far be it from me to dwell on a raw nerve or to even give up the chance to exploit the obvious rift between ...

Michelle; you are still a super hero, even though Hugh was bagging on you he wasn't trying to be "mean". Even though you didn't show up for the meeting, you also didn't show up for your own reward(well deserved to!)so all things being equal, you are even steven.

Hugh; Hugh you are creepy tall. I feel that at the last meeting we may have exchanged brains. Gawd help you if we did!

...and moving along...Look we could dwell on this negative bull****! until we are all over run with gumby/zombies. But lets be adults and forget the name calling and finger pointing and, just put that in a little box and forget about it until we can come up with a direction. There is a solution.

We should brainstorm this out right now and see what we come up with.
This came from Joe?

God help us all... the end of the world is nigh upon us.

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:51 pm
by toad857
brainstorm? sounds painful.

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:01 pm
by climb2core
Ok, seems like we are at 3 possibilities (with room for variants)

1a) NO Permadraws or project draws
b) No Permadraws, individual project ok
c) No Project draws, Permdraws ok

2.) Limited Permadraws (system for application and management yet to be determined). Project draws ok with emphasis on individual accountability for removal reinforced to prevent abandonment.

3.) Unlimited Permadraws and project draws.

Any other option?

I vote for #2

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:04 pm
by krampus
Clevis Hitch wrote:Far be it from me to dwell on a raw nerve or to even give up the chance to exploit the obvious rift between ...

Michelle; you are still a super hero, even though Hugh was bagging on you he wasn't trying to be "mean". Even though you didn't show up for the meeting, you also didn't show up for your own reward(well deserved to!)so all things being equal, you are even steven.

Hugh; Hugh you are creepy tall. I feel that at the last meeting we may have exchanged brains. Gawd help you if we did!

...and moving along...Look we could dwell on this negative bull****! until we are all over run with gumby/zombies. But lets be adults and forget the name calling and finger pointing and, just put that in a little box and forget about it until we can come up with a direction. There is a solution.

We should brainstorm this out right now and see what we come up with.
Wow, Clevis takes the moral high ground . Mercury is officially in retrograde

edited to follow suit

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:06 pm
by krampus
climb2core wrote:Ok, seems like we are at 3 possibilities (with room for variants)

1a) NO Permadraws or project draws
b) No Permadraws, individual project ok
c) No Project draws, Permdraws ok

2.) Limited Permadraws (system for application and management yet to be determined). Project draws ok with emphasis on individual accountability for removal reinforced to prevent abandonment.

3.) Unlimited Permadraws and project draws.

Any other option?

I vote for #2
I like #2, seems a compromise is usually the best option.

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:29 pm
by clif
krampus wrote:edited to follow suit
Bully on and to the spirits, Sirs, a colloquy and evening of whist will be held in honoraria. Brandy the bloody name of civility!

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:40 pm
by krampus
clif wrote:
krampus wrote:edited to follow suit
Bully on and to the spirits, Sirs, a colloquy and evening of whist will be held in honoraria. Brandy the bloody name of civility!
clif, I hope I get to share the wall with you sometime

Re: PDs at Lode

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:28 pm
by Clevis Hitch
I think that there is a difference between Project draws, which may be acceptable. But "permanent" draws which is gear that is abandoned to public domain.
