Re: PDs at Lode
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:18 pm
So when is the meeting in December? Would be nice if it was on a weekend so more people could attend.
I never said I was, it's this "either for or against" attitude that you keep pressing on everyone ( I now assume it was you at the meeting aggressively trying to force people to take a side) that is polarizing and ultimately hurting the communitycletuswilcox wrote: So your for pd's....why?
If PD's are not permanent then treat them like project draws and take them down when they are no longer safe. Its not up to the community to replace gear or bolts or anchors or anything really. Thank god we have some super sucky team that has taken it upon themselves to help with that when they can. I don't take that for granted and when we do we may lose their help, and that would suck.cletuswilcox wrote: What are your ideas on the sustainability of fixed gear at the crag? How do you suggest the community come up with more funds to buy pd's and how do you think we can get more volunteer effort to maintain them? What are your ideas on pd's in regards to land owner liability? How does a fixed gear ethic and a leave no trace ethic co-exist at the same crag?
cletus, quit trying to play the martyr, rallying pity seems unbecoming of you, and I don't even know you. Hang dogging was mention several times, In fact the first 20 or so minutes when everyone opposed to PD's got to speak, I think that the only people who didn't mention the hang dogging aspect in one way or another were Hugh and Dave (again,I couldn't see, I was merely and auditory observer), who were not even present when the draws were taken down.cletuswilcox wrote:Krampus- Thanks for completely misrepresenting the meeting and the people who participated. I dont recall anyone dwelling on 5.10 climbers dogging up 5.12's at the undertow (maybe it was mentioned but it was not a topic of conversation). The meeting wasnt a waste of time and the people who came do care so please just speak for yourself.
The crowds will still come, stupid people will still be there. As was mention in the meeting safety issues should be met with education, I didn't need the meeting to tell me that. The crowds come because we invite them.cletuswilcox wrote: If the issue of PD's, in your mind, dosent directly correlate to safety/crowd control issues then what does?
The one time I was able to speak at the meeting was to clarify that the vote was weather or not it would be ok for you to steal everyone's project draws, and it was clarified that that is in fact what you were talking about. Those have been around since I started climbing in 1999.cletuswilcox wrote:How are you under the impression that pd's are a long standing climbing ethic?
I should hope they are, personal safety is ones own responsibility, always was and always should be. Didn't need a meeting to tell me that either.cletuswilcox wrote:I would be surprised if the climbers that dont care and "just want to climb" that you referred to in your post are taking any initiative to inspect, maintain/replace the fixed gear they're climbing on.
again quit playing the martyr, I just want this ridiculous conversation to end, I don't believe the community should stand behind anything other than land owners requests and general safety. If PD's are not permanent then treat them like project draws and take them down when they are no longer safe.cletuswilcox wrote: Well....if like myself you're interested in this conversation coming to an end with an ethic/policy that the community can stand behind I'd suggest that you refrain from making posts that in no way bring us closer to that goal.
oh, kin-kaytoad857 wrote:(and let me watch)
the lurkist wrote:So there is a meeting in December. This time, show up. Dustin, I know you had no reason to miss the last one. Grad School? Please. Michelle? Work? Lame... I came in scrubs WITH my five year old straight from work.
You think it is a self selecting group of rule makers preaching to the choir? You want a voice? Sac up and show your face at the next meeting. I do not want to hear your mealy mouth whining that, " Those mean people are making rules that cramp my style." Even Joe Haynes came. Jesus, how unempowered can you be?
Come to the community discussion.