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"The movie has a lot of video footage of what they claim are UFOs. Much of the video is from NASA. They claim they often use infrared and sometimes ultraviolet filters to see these things. The experts in the movie are quoted as saying these things appear to be living organisms that are normally not visible to the naked eye."
The Link Thread!
When the Gallup Poll asked people about their views on the subject last March, 47 percent of Americans polled said that God created humans pretty much in their present form some time in the last 10,000 years. That belief was strongest among those with less education, regular churchgoers, people 65 and older, and Republicans.
"There is no secret ingredient"
Po, the kung fu panda
Po, the kung fu panda
"There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites."
thats the best part of the museum
thats the best part of the museum