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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:26 pm
by soccerfast007
you have your fantasy tank, and i'll keep mine. choco made the movie for me, but like i said 'you live in your fantasy world, and i'll live in mine" and in my world, it does lick itself...or else it gets the hose again.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:00 pm
by rhunt
pigsteak wrote:"...but if someone says they don't have cash, i have never pushed it....."

....I find that hard to believe...99 times in a hundred that is a person's way of just being cheap...

if this is the case, then go climb where there is no charge, so everyone else doesn't have to feel the wrath....
I agree, saying you don't have a single dollar or even a nickle is a cop out. Yet what is the excepted amount and is this a "charge" or a donation. It's a slipperly slope piggie if you starting calling it a charge. It is NOT a charge it IS a donation to the porperty owner who is graciously allowing people to climb in his back yard.

So what is the accepted amount of the donation? I usually drop in about 2 to 3 dollars depending on how many singles I have on me. Never less than 2 and rarely more than 5.

Years ago when Torrent got re-open and I learned about the donation, I would hear, "please drop in a few bucks in the tin can at the base of the trail up to the 11 wall".

Remember when we used to have to sign a waiver to climb at the lode? I think if you look in the woods near the base of the trail where it starts to head up hill you might still be able to see the old sign. What ever happened to that? Did people just stop signing waivers just like they just started dropping in a few bucks in the tin can?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:11 pm
by Paul3eb
pigsteak wrote:what in the world would someone be doing at the Red, on a roadtrip, without cash? I find that hard to believe...99 times in a hundred that is a person's way of just being cheap...
to be honest, i'm probably cashless about 30% of the time. all i ever need is $.27 ;)

that said, i've donated ever since i found out the container is actually maintained and offered to mark to make a new kiosk for him.. but never heard back. he was out of town, then, i think..

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:26 pm
by pigsteak
.27 for that ice cream cone? :wink:

naw, I don't buy it..people have money for beer, money for miguel, money for RRO, money for gas, money for a new is a cop out, plain and simple.

better just to admit we are mooches and deal with that.

only a slippery slope for those trying to mooch and not pay. if you pay and move on, there is no slope.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:46 pm
by OZ
Why not put the donation box right by Bandolier? Then everyone can see who is being a mooch.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:48 pm
by rhunt
all I am saying piggie is if "we" continue to use the word "charge" instead of donation it puts Mark in a bad place. What if one of the free loading low lifes that doesn't donate when he/she climbs at Torrent gets hurt at Torrent. He or she reads on that torrent charges for climbing and get his/her rich daddy to suit Mark and wins claiming that it was posted on the internet that he "charges" to climb on his property.

It's a donation.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:57 pm
by pigsteak that is a stretch, but I'll play....First, I would assume it is the person who paid who would want to sue for negligence. If they didn't pay, they would be trespassers.

And your contempt for "rich daddies" needs to be a bit more understated to get the point across. Taking your liberal bias out that only rich people sue is misplaced. Everyone knows it is the welfare crowd that is looking for a free lunch. :wink:

now , just a guess, but I would assume Mark or a representative of Torrent would be the only ones who could declare that Torrent is a "pay to play" isn't hard to see we don't qualify...but we both know, conspiracy is more fun than reality, and the truth doesn't win in court. It is the person with the best lawyer who gets the spoils.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:00 pm
by rhunt
ok a point is still the same.

It is NOT a charge it IS a donation.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:20 pm
by alien2
We could get the kid from better off dead and sit him next to the Kiosk. Remember his one liner?


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:46 pm
by Caspian
Best wishes to Mark.