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Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:17 pm
by Meadows
People like that have an ego just because of who they are, not because they attained some grade.

If you feel there is a clique, that's true, but think about it. These people climb together all day in the same vicinity and share the same goals, routes, whatever. Because of that, they build a relationship with each other - it works that way in any social setting.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:32 pm
by JB
Meadows wrote:People like that have an ego just because of who they are, not because they attained some grade.
well said. the personality is set already... climbing rarely changes it.

people who wish to "climb better" than you are motivated by their ego to chase bigger numbers so they can feel good about themselves. Then they'll tell you that they only climb there because that is where climbing is at for them. They said the same thing about lower numbers while they were there.

people who wish to be a "better climber" are motivated by their ego to stress "ethics" and "just have fun" and "enjoy the view from the top" so they can feel good about themselves. Then they'll tell you they want to climb harder just so they have more availability of routes to "enjoy".

boulderers, bolters, pocket pullers, and wide crack weirdos... we're all fucked in the head. i don't know what a chuffer is, but i'd bet i am one!!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:16 pm
by chriss
JB wrote: Then they'll tell you they want to climb harder just so they have more availability of routes to "enjoy".
Seems like a good reason to want to climb harder to me. Once you get into the 11 and above range, you just get an incredible amount of two and three star climbs.

I also feel that a good way to start breaking into the 12's is to do as many 11's as you can. Actually just get on anything and everything, and don't get stuck always climbing one style. (i.e. don't just climb slab, bouldery, reachy, short routes, long endurance hauls, overhang pocketes, crack, try it all!)

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:47 pm
by TradMike
Meadows wrote:People like that have an ego just because of who they are, not because they attained some grade.
The egos inflate on the people who have egos when the hit the 5.12 and up mark. They are pretty quiet until they have some ground to stand on. I have had no problems with any 5.11 and under climber. Most seem very cordial. But I have had many run ins with asshole 5.12 and up climbers. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate 5.12 climbers just a few of them. It really soured my fun a few times.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:59 pm
by Lateralus
maybe we should have an asshole ettiquette for the 5.12 climber thread to go along with this one?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:07 pm
by Meadows
I've met cocky climbers on all levels. It's the person, not the level.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:53 pm
by Huggybone
JB- I have to disagree-
I don't think personality is 'set.'
Parhaps a precondition.

I've seen my attitude change so many times I coldn't consider it 'set.'

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:57 pm
by Paul3eb
the day i started climbing 12s people said i was becoming a dick..

but that's ok; they're weak little noobs anyway. they just wish they could climb as hard as me..

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:06 pm
I've heard just as many whiney and bitchy comments from 5.10 climbers than 5.13 climbers. 5.12 climbers don't think they're hot shit though because they know that 5.12 is only the number below 5.13.

Climbers who climb at a higher grade may come across as more self reserved if anything but this is just because their mood are dictated by how hard they are sending that day. They take sends much more seriously than the recreational climber. So, if anything, harder climbers come across as extremely bipolar.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:24 pm
by JB
huggy... i've seen my attitude change a ton over the years... from a 5.7 trad elitist to a 5.9 trad elitist to a 5.11 sport elitist to a V5 bouldering elitist.

my personality is set that way... but my ability to apply reason and compassion to control my asshole tendancies is a relatively new development. :oops: