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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:37 pm
by Artsay
That's a good question, Mia. I feel the same as you and I don't know what the answer is but I feel in my heart that banning isn't it.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:41 pm
by Shannon
There was never any "permission" granted or rescinded to climb on the Murray Property. The RRGCC's statement was an advisory that it is in everyone's best interest DO NOT CLIMB ON THE MURRAY PROPERTY until further notice that the RRGCC needs every climbers to treat as a temporary, but complete, "closure" (in quotes).
This is temporary and we asking climbers to fully cooperate to eliminate even the risk of climber and oil worker contact that could further exacerbate tensions. All climber behavior, however, innocent or justified is being used as evidence by Charmane to support their claim to bar climbers from the Murray Property. This in turn makes the RRGCC's task of quickly opening the Murray Property to all climbing that much harder with every new argument (however trivial) Charmane attempts to use to keep us out.
I hope Matt does not mind but this is what I wrote in a PM to him on the subject:
"It must appear as if the RRGCC is assuming the same power-hunger authoritarian role as the Forest Service, or even Charmane, threatening to ban climbers. I agree, threatening to ban Joe, is over the top. But it was a threat that was made out the same level of frustration that Gretchen feels (and a lot of us share) trying to answer Joe's question, as you do with the answers given. My personal thoughts on the subject is, I do not find all questions that are asked are as sincere as people would like to pretend they are. There is a lot of good-natured, hard time given on Ray's forum back and forth. But in the end we are all human beings really just trying to do the best we can and I for one, am always willing to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and hope others might do the same for me, and for others.
Trying to resolve the issue with Charmane and get full and complete access to the Murray Property is going to cost the RRGCC thousands of extra dollars, unnecessarily. A total waste of everyone's valuable donations, another frustration. We want to tell everyone what is going on behind the scenes and how we are going to crush Charmane but we can't. Can you imagine how hard it is for us to have to wait and publicly take Charmane's shit in silence?
Gretchen has done more to keep climbing in the Red open for Joe, and you, and me, than just about anyone I know. Long thankless hours of volunteering her time over and over again, taking the heat, being bashed. If she gets a little frustrated and can't always be patient and diplomatic, I think I can cut her some slack. She called me about threatening Joe and she was pretty upset about his questions. I can't blame her for her frustration, just like I don't blame you, or Joe. These are frustrating times for all of us."
I think Gulliver, GWG, Artsay, Morgain, Merrick, John, and many others have all said it better than I can. Open debate, frank discussions, and not taking things too serious is always healthy and but there are real issues at stake and we are just ordinary people trying to do the best we can.
Thanks, again, for eveyone's patience and cooperation.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 4:56 pm
by captain static
Thank you Shannon. Like I said on another thread on this same subject:
So even if Charmane has no leg to stand on and continuing to climb on the Promised Land in no way jeopardizes the future priviledge to climb there, such climbing could still cost you and/or the coalition time and money, ultimately making it more costly to secure the priviledge.
So perhaps in the interest of making it easier for all and bringing a quicker resolution to the dispute between Charmane and the Coalition we should all agree as a group to a definitive "closure" of the Murray Property to climbing?
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:34 pm
by Guest
Thank you Shannon. You are a true hero of the cause. I appreciate that you clarified the situation. Cool Level-headed thinking is what we need at the helm. I am glad that you are In Charge.
On a more personal level I would like to extend to you an invitation to start playing for the "other team". If you would like, I can have Horatio send you a link to a web page with my "resume'" on it.
Shannon, You're the greatest.......
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:39 pm
by Spragwa
Dirt, you're all class baby. Man, I love you but you sooo don't know when to shut up. If you'd stopped typing when you're brain started working, you'd have been fine. Dang. I mean come on...someone FINALLY answered your question. Be a good sport and quit.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:49 pm
by pigsteak
thanks sprag....couldn't have said it goes to further prove that dirt is not about "answers", but is an attention seeking child....this is not a complicated issue as it pertains to climbers...stay off the land and give the process some time to work...
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:49 pm
by Guest
I am being a good sport. Didn't you see my pictures?.......That was my "sport" rack!

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:50 pm
by Spragwa
Or perhaps it goes to show that he's been put on the defensive by others for a while and is having difficulty relaxing. Dang.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:52 pm
by Guest
I think that you enjoy the drama, Piggy - why else would you throw a jab in there if not to rile him up?
Dirt, you owe me a new keyboard. I spit my Coke all over it when I read your post.
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:56 pm
by pigsteak
now come on sprag..isn't that going a bit far? dirt is like ho and myself..any bit of grief we receive on here we bring on ourselves...we can't leave well enough alone at times, and use some common courtesy and common sense. no pity here...wanna cure his defensiveness? here's an idea....don't post incessantly.
I find when I back of of my "indignation" and "self righteousness" for a bit, the world keeps spinning just fine without my blathering at the helm...maybe this will work for dirt as well.