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Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:14 pm
by rhunt
SikMonkey wrote:Hey guys,
just as a side note: should you decide to go ahead and climb on the Murray property, PLEASE carefully inspect all bolts and all approach trails, high and low. You may say I am overreacting, but if they feel that future access to their oil is threatened then illegal gates could be just the beginning. Anyone ever see the booby traps they concoct for pot patches?
Ok yea you are overreacting! That's nuts

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:14 pm
by pigsteak
yeah booby traps, manked out bolts, blow darts, and UFO's.....and Elvis lives.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:16 pm
by rhunt
pigsteak wrote:this is better than perry mason re-runs....
here is a novel idea..why doesn't everyone take one weekend off in Oct or November from climbing...the weekend you would spend irritating the situation at Murray could be spent about adopting a local oil family, and teaching their kids to climb? and then buying dinner at Miguel's for the whole family?
however you spend it, just don't climb at Murray until this is resolved...why is that so difficult?
o, that's right..because we are entitled to our bad.
Because we got projects to send Brah....and it's all about ME

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:29 pm
by Guest
Pigsteak, I agree with you. I haven't climbed in the southern region since the signs went up. While the RRGCC may believe that the signs have no legal basis, I'm not convinced. I certainly hope they are right, but I do think climbers should stay away until this is resolved. Even if the signs and gates remain, I think the RRGCC needs to be absolutely certain that mineral rights do not take precedence over surface rights in the case of repeated abuses by climbers before they state that it is okay to climb there. Perhaps they have and I'm just dense, but it is clear to me that the oil company feels otherwise and so I wonder what they know that the RRGCC does not.
I have friends coming from out of town in November and I would like to take them there.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:39 pm
by SikMonkey
Hmmm....people from Columbus telling someone from SE KY not to overreact during a property dispute....I guess you all have a lot of those up there don't you? Run through any pot patches lately? You are probably right though. These guys don't care THAT much about all that money. Hell, those fishhooks strung up at face level between those trees was for when the pond flooded and the water got up that high, right? And those things all over the ground that looked like two nails bent at 90 degrees and welded together was for traction in the winter maybe?
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:42 pm
by Spragwa
Umm Sandy, I adore you doll but if you don't believe the lawyers who have researched this idea and have all arrived at similar conclusions then perhaps you should check with your own lawyer and see whether those of us who practice law are right or wrong.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:45 pm
by pigsteak
yeah sandy....if the long term impact of our relationship with Charmane is at stake, why not take the high road on this one? Why is it so difficult to go elsewhere for a weekend. go to the New...come over to Jackson Falls, go to Seneca, the Gunks, Boone, Twall, Foster Falls, Horsepens, etc.... discover some of the great trad areas at the Red...basically, the human nature is coming out. we are told we can't, and being a bunch of non-comformists, we are challenging that....
not sure that is the wisest line of action....
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:48 pm
by Guest
Spragwa wrote:Umm Sandy, I adore you doll but if you don't believe the lawyers who have researched this idea and have all arrived at similar conclusions then perhaps you should check with your own lawyer and see whether those of us who practice law are right or wrong.
Spragwa, I've never been told that the RRGCC knows the basis for Charmane's posting of the no trespassing signs or that the RRGCC is absolutely certain that they are illegal. If this has changed, then great! Is that what you are saying?
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 7:52 pm
by pigsteak
sikmonkey.....ever heard of the blair witch?
pot patches and oil revenues..are you connecting the two?
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:03 pm
by SikMonkey
Only in the sense that I know what some people will do to protect what they see as theirs and their money (or things that can make them money).
What does the BW have to do with this though? Were you in the movie? It was pretty cool overall. Pretty damn scary too.