Motherlode Hill

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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by vertical1 »

They graded it but it needed something like a rain to help pack it down some. Then when one car hesitates, whether bad driving or just traffic from going up as someone is going down, they spin a little and create a small rut, then others start to spin in that rut and it gets worse. Then the rut causes vehicles to lose momentum so then they are spinning in other places and causing more ruts. It just compounds by bad driving, too many cars, and cars that can't just crawl up the hill without spinning.
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by RRGCC »

The RRGCC is working with the county to explore options to improve the hill on Bald Rock Fork Rd (aka the Motherlode Hill).  The RRGCC applied for and received a grant to install a car counter at the top of the hill.  This counter will provide hard data to support claims that the road sees extensive use.  This information will then be used to attempt to secure future grants and funding sources from local and state governments to improve the road.  In the meantime, please drive safely and do not block any oil company equipment.
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by pumpout2004 »

Will those raw data be available once collected? Data nerds would probably love to have a look-see (myself included).
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by Raiden »

I saw that car counter! I'll be sure to drive over it a couple thousand times next time I'm out there.
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by clif »

did the discussion include an explicit commitment, or only implied, that a certain number of trips would trigger investment? if so, what was that number?
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by Ascentionist »

The road is definitely in better shape than it was in the 1990s when no one but the oil companies drove on it. I remember once driving down and thinking I was going to have to abandon my car because there was no way a tow truck would be able to get in and get it out. Of course a big tanker truck drove out while I was down there and gave me confidence to gun it out in my 2WD 4 cyl Mustang.

I've pondered the dilemma. One thing to consider is that paving will not necessarily eliminate all problems. That hill faces north and I think literally never gets sun. In the winter a paved surface will compact with snow and turn into a perpetual sheet of ice during prolonged cold spells. Also, with the amount of traffic and with the oil traffic pavement will degrade from season to season and will cost more over time to maintain.

The gravel and washboards do provide traction when its wet and snowy. Also, with a raised asphalt surface there will be a raised edge to deal with, possibly undercut at times due to erosion, potholes, chunks of asphalt getting turned up, total shut down of the road to resurface, etc, etc. When it rains the ditches will wash gravel and mud over the hard surface reducing traction.

I'm not trying to be a Debbie downer, but a conventional paved road may not be the best solution.
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by Ascentionist »

Oh my sweet lord and savior baby jesus christ in heaven...

I've now seen things I can't unsee. ... 769358155/

At the risk of sounding condescending, I think this is a rampant epidemic of bad driving. The photo further down in the feed shows a car off the road on the wrong side as they go up and at a fairly good section of the road that isn't steep at all.

If the road becomes paved I fear people will just drive faster and cause worse crashes.

I think paving is a bad idea. Another solution needs to be found.
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by Rx2Climb »

Chair lift! Def a chair lift!
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by monty4355 »

With a zip line to get down the hill!!
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Re: Motherlode Hill

Post by Nick »

We need a border wall and it's not with Mexico!!!

Maybe I'm just grouchy this week but seriously how the fuck does this happen??

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