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Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:13 pm
by Guest
It's nice that you took the time to post all of these responses. It seems odd that both of you have the same exact answers. I am guessing that someone sent you an e-mail or PM and you cut/pasted it. who did it come from?
and Wes, here's your answer. Is the CC going to prohibit people that they don't like or that ask questions from climbing on their land? Is that how its going to be? Are you telling me that I am disinvited to the party because I had the balls to ask questions that everyone wanted answered, but no one wanted to ask because they didn't want to be given a ration of shit for it? Or to be thrown out of the S/R. Or ostracized by their friends who were "true believers".
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:19 pm
by TrueNorth
Now JR I have a list of questions for you.
1 Name 10 Archeological sites within the Red River Gorge area.
2 What Kentucky county produces the most oil?
3 Who is the largest employer in Wolfe, Menifee and Powell counties?
4 Who is the second largest employee in Wolfe counties?
5 How does tourism affect the above-mentioned counties?
6 Using an economical model, how many times does the tourism dollar circulate within these counties?
7 Name two decision makers within Kentucky political system who can directly impact climbing in the RRG area.
8 Name five decision makers within USFS political system who can directly impact climbing in the RRG area.
9 Explain the political and environmental issues surrounding the proposed dam in the 70’s
10 Why is the Douglas trail named the Douglas trail?
11 Name five users groups actively lobbying for limited resources from the USFS.
12 Name the Archeologist who performed the recent shovel test and who he reports to.
13 Describe briefly the content of the shovel test report.
14 Describe briefly the working relationship, politics and legalities between local Kentucky land managers and the Federal land managers.
15 Define the term “Political activist group”
16 How many endangered species (plant and animal) have been found in the RRG.
17 What are the USFS legal responsibilities to preserve endangered species, historical and archeological sites? And what methodologies can they use to do so.
18 How many climbing routes within the USFS Daniel Boone National Forest, has been approved by the then acting “land manager”
19 Describe the process for route approval
20 Describe in detail your passion for climbing and how each of the above-mentioned issues may impact your access.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:19 pm
by Mulva
Oh man J.H.... when are you going to wake up?

<br> Even now I have wasted my 'breath' posting this. Good luck in life man! I think it's going to be a rough ride.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something. ~ Plato
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:21 pm
by StephyG
I like your signature Mulva!! It really applies here

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:30 pm
by Guest
J.H. wrote:It's nice that you took the time to post all of these responses. It seems odd that both of you have the same exact answers. I am guessing that someone sent you an e-mail or PM and you cut/pasted it. who did it come from?
Look again, J.H. Rhunt was quoting Wes. You can see the tag "/quote", he just screwed up the first tag.
You suspect everyone's motives. Now yours are under scrutiny as well - and for good reason: look at all the crap you have posted here, just to stir the pot. Why are you surprised?
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:41 pm
by Guest
I'm not surprised, as a "glassy-eyed" true believer, you should be angry.
so how about question 4. Is the CC going to make the S/R accessable only to people who join the CC? Is the CC going to stop 4-wheeling, horseback riding,hiking in the S/R. Basically, what is the land going to be used for?
What about Question # 10. Do I have to pay to join? Can't I just do trail maintainence, or work with the guys doing anchor replacement. Or do I just gotta pay?
Wes you did great with the other questions, I appreciate it. You are helping settle questions that I have. So what about the rest?
#11 what about camping in the S/R, will the CC stop camping in the S/R. Will they take on the same rules that the N/F utilizes?
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 2:59 pm
by canadaclimbergirl
It would make sense JH, that the RRGCC board members don't even know the answers to some of your questions yet. These things take time to work out, and fretting over the small details of what happens after the Murray Property Purchase right now is not likely a priority considering there are hundreds of thousands of dollars yet to raise. As things come to a close, the small details will be worked out with member input. I expect there will be meeting after meeting for everyone to attend to voice their opinion.
As for the current board members, they are busy, hard working and want nothing but the best possible outcome for the climbing community. I know this because I am on a similar (though not as big) committee here in New Brunswick.
Ever hear the saying 'Don't sweat the small stuff' ?
what everyone needs to to is stop accusing and being paranoid. Everyone wants a the same can we not work together to acheive our goals? hug time.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:06 pm
by captain static
so how about question 4. Is the CC going to make the S/R accessable only to people who join the CC? Is the CC going to stop 4-wheeling, horseback riding,hiking in the S/R. Basically, what is the land going to be used for?
The focus is on actually buying the land first. The primary interest of the RRGCC is to obviously use the land for climbing. Details about use are yet to be worked out. Why would the RRGCC want to devote resources to enforcing restrictions? Also user fees and restrictions would complicate liability and why do that?
What about Question # 10. Do I have to pay to join? Can't I just do trail maintainence, or work with the guys doing anchor replacement. Or do I just gotta pay?
I have never seen anyone ask for proof of membership at a maintenance event. If you really want to have input into the organization you need to attend a CAC meeting or other meeting. Before you were asking about a tax-exempt number which would only be a concern to an individual if the were going to contribute over $200. Now you want to be a member for free?
Wes you did great with the other questions, I appreciate it. You are helping settle questions that I have. So what about the rest?
#11 what about camping in the S/R, will the CC stop camping in the S/R. Will they take on the same rules that the N/F utilizes?
Again, these are unsettled questions. But instead of camping or other non-climbing related user questions, the biggest area of discussion is on the control of the establishment of new routes with fixed anchors.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:09 pm
by Lame Wade
Lame Wade wrote:JH should just be ignored.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:11 pm
by rhunt
Lame Wade wrote:Lame Wade wrote:JH should just be ignored.