Just my opinion and you know what they say about assholes and opinions....we all have one!
When I was young *sigh*....
Some can't possibly believe this but the old crusties were all dirtbaggers at one time. Tis true...
And having been one I know exactly what it's like and why I climbed at certain places. Being a UGA college grad, the Red and the New were top pics because camping was easy and cheap. Other places like T-Wall, with limited sites and frequent break-ins, were always a pain and would get bumped down on the weekend warrior list as result. Same with Mt. Yonah, we used to be able to camp there so easilty but then it all changed and we didn't go there anymore. But of course, Mt. Yonah is no Red River Gorge...
But in general...yea, I think it does make a difference that camping is cheap and Miguel's is so awesome. We can't change Miguel's being so awesome and don't want to but I do think raising the price of camping will help make people think twice about going to the Red for every trip.
Does he have a strange bear claw like appendage protruding from his neck? He kep petting it.