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Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:47 pm
by mike_a_lafontaine
pigsteak wrote:Blah, blah, blah...
I'm sorry, I can't read anything you say because every time I look at your avatar, I get so hungry I can't concentrate...Seriously, for the next three hours the only thought in my head will be of a center cut tenderloin cooked medium rare.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:52 pm
by pigsteak
lmao..the best part is that I am not responsible for that.....some mod put it up.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:01 pm
by climb2core
So, haven't really said much because I don't really care what it is named. But I do care if Rick and Liz read this and get any feeling other than profound gratitude by the climbing community. I really can't even believe that there has been this much debate over it. Spend your time writing them a personal thank you letter, donating your cash, or volunteering.
Thank you Rick and Liz for giving us Muir Valley.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:36 pm
by ynp1
spoonman... I am with you.
Toad... I think it is very odd that anybody can call there land a nature preserve? can't one get tax right offs and other benefits for calling there land a preserve? I also found that each state does seem to have some kind of rules or regulations.
Lurkist... The first time I heard the name I was like,"Isn't Muir's valley Yosemite?". I thought it was strange from the start, but he was a cool dude, so be it!
Pig... I don't see your point... If you have one... Sure it is petty! Almost, everything on this site is pretty petty.
I really don't care what they call their land also. It is theirs and they can do with it as they want. I also have not read one thing on here that has been negative toward them. It is just a friendly conversation and I am getting a lot out of it and I am sure others are also. I am sure more people are thinking about what Muir Valley is and in turn with appreciate it even more.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:43 am
by pigsteak
I'd like to edit my prior statement. Dr Bob should also be added to the very elite list of people who go way beyond the financial call of duty for climbers.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:10 am
by clif
There is no question that the Weber's have been incredibly generous.
But, I am still mystified as how it takes ~90,000 dollars a year to maintain essentially "wild" spaces. If one were to compare management arrangements, would an acquisition like the PMRP ever have been feasible, much less the future prospects of the RRGCC towards securing climbing in the "if we own it" style?
{the 90k is an unconfirmed figure)
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:08 am
by ynp1
good question!
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:24 pm
by climb2core
So, almost completely unrelated... but I was curious as to how much more potential route development there is at MV?
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:30 pm
by dustonian
Wow, you guys are real jerks. Why can't you just enjoy climbing in a beautiful place and appreciate the generosity of two incredibly nice people? If you are really this bored (not to mention tactless), you should go volunteer at a homeless shelter or something. Or better yet, help Liz park cars on busy weekends or clean the bathrooms. Join Rick's volunteer rescue team. Clean up Euro flowers at the crag.
This thread is not only academically boring as hell, it's also rude and pointless. Who are you to question how people manage their land or what they call it? Who cares? What if your annoying neighbor started questioning your housekeeping habits or what you decide to name your dog on a public internet forum? I hate this expression, but in this case it's appropriate: get a life. Or at least some manners to start.
Re: Muir Valley
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:58 pm
by mike_a_lafontaine
dustonian wrote:Wow, you guys are real jerks. Why can't you just enjoy climbing in a beautiful place and appreciate the generosity of two incredibly nice people? If you are really this bored (not to mention tactless), you should go volunteer at a homeless shelter or something. Or better yet, help Liz park cars on busy weekends or clean the bathrooms. Join Rick's volunteer rescue team. Clean up Euro flowers at the crag.
This thread is not only academically boring as hell, it's also rude and pointless. Who are you to question how people manage their land or what they call it? Who cares? What if your annoying neighbor started questioning your housekeeping habits or what you decide to name your dog on a public internet forum? I hate this expression, but in this case it's appropriate: get a life. Or at least some manners to start.