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Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:42 pm
by krampus
Not a bad idea clevis, and the companies would save money on packaging, you would think they would be all over this idea.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:18 pm
by ReachHigh
Clevis Hitch wrote:In the future, landfills will become goldmines.

already starting to happen.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:02 pm
by Clevis Hitch
corporate entrenchment and current copy right laws keep companies from colluding. Plus I don't think its current corporate policy to do things in an economic/socially/ecologically efficient manner.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:04 pm
by anticlmber
clev, first, yes to the gravy.

second, the one use plastic is a HUGE problem like you said. most folks i know use them for garbage bags and stuff but they are crap and a waste of oil.

the biggest problem is people feel it is all this or all that, period. i think oil will always have its place, as a main source of ALL energy, no. it doesnt need to fuel someones car that only drives 50 miles a month, hell most of us could easily ride the bike/bus/walk/etc to work but don't. when it rains, surebut when its nic(and even not so nice) hell most of us go climbing in weather that is retarded to be out in. people have gotten so accustomed to having almost anything(or some cheap knockoff of said item) they want, whose fault? parents, buisness, society, yourself?

most have stated what they do, it may not be much to you pigshit(or anyone else) but its something. better than nothing and wayyy better than burning tires.

buisness follows the dollar and always will. if people start actually putting their money where their mouth is then the change will have motivation.

once again, its not an all or nothing, black or white, overnite thing. its everybody doing what they can to make it better. maybe you don't want to stop climbing or buy a prius, fine. just don't be a dick about it.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:15 pm
by Toy
Actually we're looking at about 320 million solar years worth, but who's counting. And it's important that you (CH) mention efficiency. Conservation of Energy has to factor into energy policy just as renewablility and sustainability must, so solar has to be an area of concentration. Go directly to the source.

Solar thermal power is being used, just on an incredibly limited basis here. Spain has built a large-scale facility for commercial use. It is (nearly) as cost-effective as coal-fired electricity per kWh. In fact when both are taxed at the same rate they are basically equal. When the back-costs are factored in to counteract damage caused by coal extraction and burning, solar thermal costs less. The electricity from solar thermal can be stored (always one of the counterpoints to solar panel tech), but the heat energy can also be used directly by industry.

The frustrating thing about solar thermal, wind and other alternative fuel sources is the increased tax rate they are subject to, which keeps them from being as cost effective as non-renewables (conspiracy anyone?).

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:32 pm
by Clevis Hitch
I question your statement about the increased tax rate for solar. I wanna say that if you install solar panels that the Feds kickback at the end of the year will just about pay for it. If you use a alternative fuel. Such as propane the feds will drop all federal tax and give you a fifty cents per gallon tax credit(cash) and almost all state goverments will give you a big break or completely drop all of the loacl taxes. I think with a realativly efficiecnt car you could actually make money.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:33 am
by Izzy
Spain is not a good example to use, their economy is even more bankrupt than ours is and they have been a global leader in green energy for quite some time.

Manipulation of tax rates, government subsidization, and government regulation do not create viable alternatives. They turn insufficient alternatives into an opportunity to make a quick buck. Ethanol anyone?

As Anti said, when a real alternative arises the market will follow it, and there's no stopping that. As always, the dollar will lead the way, it's just a question of where you want to spend yours.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:44 am
by DriskellHR
I heard baby panda bears make good fuel :wink:

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:11 am
by cliftongifford
DriskellHR wrote:I heard baby panda bears make good fuel :wink:
I think it's just babies in general... at least that's what I heard.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:40 pm
by Clevis Hitch
A more efficient use of babies is to;

(1) cook them in a stew. The brains can be used to tan the skin, though it will turn the hide a blue color.
(2) break whats left of the bones up and bake them. This aids in the degradation process. Use in the garden as bone meal fertilizer.
(3) now for the entrails. The small intestine can be cleaned and dried and used as a thread or as a sausage casing.
(4) the liver can be eaten raw or cooked with faver beans.
(5) the rest of the miscellaneous guts can be composted and used to improve the organic mass of your garden plot