Best Way to Spray

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Post by anticlmber »

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Post by anticlmber »

and you get out looking like this


my spray is awesome!
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Post by pigsteak »

SCIN wrote:Guys, come on. Calling 512OW out for spraying is like trying to call Andy Dick out for being a homosexual. Your energy is best spent elsewhere.

For example, look at the latest sends for the month on and try to find the person who keeps saying stuff like "Almost got it my 2nd go but messed up my beta.", "Almost onsited it but missed a hidden hold out left", and other common reasons for failing. Guaranteed for hours of fun.
that'd be me on if I knew how to navigsate their site better..that pace is a mess for me to fnd my way around.
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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