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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:57 am
by Gretchen
We had a similiar run in with that crew last fall. But then they accidentally packed up BBerliers new mocs right before he was going to try to send Table of Colors! Needless to say he had to climb on very sketchy shoes (holy as the Pope!). They were so busy cleaning up after the kids that they were not paying attention. Well we tracted them down later in the day. But hey, sh&t happens, it was a great day anyway!
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:15 pm
by SikMonkey
WOW, you are much more tolerant than me. I was so pissed, it made me want to learn German just so I could swear at them!
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:24 pm
by Artsay
Funny story...
A few years ago around Christmas, Ray's mom watched our dogs while we were on vacation. Some relatives were over with their kids and one of the kids kept messing with the dogs. Finally one snapped. She didn't bite, but she did snap.
The next year we went out of town again, same time, same scenerio. The relatives, again, went over to Ray's mom's house and said, "Are your dogs going to leave my kids alone this time?". Ray's mom replied, "Are your kids going to leave my dogs alone this time?".
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:27 pm
by Spragwa
I think that ill-behaved kids at the cliff is a greater distraction than dogs. The cool thing about a dog is that you can tie it to a tree without worrying that someone will put you in jail. Really though, I'm all for bringing kids to the cliff, I hear it keeps them from smoking crack. Even so, they should learn to stay off the rope and treat animals with respect. I try to teach my dog that too.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 12:49 pm
by HJ7
How do you get that I agree with boom boxes and trash at the crag from what I posted? My main point is that when we are out in a public enviroment the only actions we can control are our own. Everything else you just have to deal with. If you see trash and it pisses you off, pick it up. If someone is playing loud music and it's spoiling you experience, go somewhere else. This is why climbing is so much like life, you deal with what's in front of you; you adapt and succeed or go home. But keep this in mind, karma is a bitch.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:15 pm
by tomdarch
I think that Corey's suggestions are right on. I don't have a dog of my own, so I really enjoy meeting all the climbing dogs at the crags (Lucky and I got to be pretty good friends last weekend, and I didn't even feed him!) While lots of dogs, like Lucky, are very well behaved, and their people keep an attentive eye on them, there are always a few dogs who cause trouble and their owners don't get it. Here are my suggestions (more or less echoing Corey):
When you are at a popular crag (especially with lots of other dogs) and your hands are not free to grab your pup (e.g. belaying or climbing) then he/she should probably be on a leash and 'anchored' in a good spot.
Pay attention and clean up the pup poop (bring baggies, just like at the park) and stop excessive digging. (And just like we all clean up trash from the morons, clean up stray poop, even if it isn't 'yours')
If the majority of dogs/owners set a good example, then the idiots will stand out and can be more easily shamed into shaping up. I like having dogs at the crags, but I've seen to many 'dog wars' in too many situations. If we can avoid any sort of crisis situation, then everyone will be happy.
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:52 pm
by MiaRock
I adore well behaved dogs at the crag particularly ones that don't bark and have good owners. i haven't had any really bad experiences at the red but when wes and i where in bishop i was amazed by the many dog owning idiots there. one time wes was on a problem in a bad position, i was spotting him when these two dogs come from nowhere and begin fighting on our pad, so i am trying to break them up, not get bit and spot wes. meanwhile the owner waltzes up like it is nothing and very casually calls his dog and walks away. i shutter at the thought of wes having fallen on top of those dogs. just like many people shouldn't breed they also shouldn't have dogs or anything living for that matter!
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 5:34 pm
by Rain Man
Spragwa wrote:...The cool thing about a dog is that you can tie it to a tree without worrying that someone will put you in jail. Really though, I'm all for bringing kids to the cliff, I hear it keeps them from smoking crack.
I was about to say the exact same thing about chaining up kids, or leaving them at home all day social services taking dogs or cats away for that.
I HAVE seen kids smoking AT the crack, though...

...and yes, I was watching "dude" to see what he did with his cigarette butt when he finished and happily he rubbed and stowed it. While not everyone will say something, I am the guy that picks up the butt "you" tossed out the car window and kindly returns it to "you" at the traffic light.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:39 pm
by Jerry Bargo
Half the reason that I climb is to experience the peaceful rejuvination of nature. For me, dogs are incompatible with both peace and nature.
So IMO, dogs almost always suck at the crag. But what usually sucks worse are the poorly disciplined owners yelling for/at their animals and walking away from their responsibilities as a climbing partner to retrieve the mongrel. (A: "Can you give me a belay?" B: "Hang on, I'll be right back. FIDO! GET BACK HERE!")
Show me a "good crag dog" and I can probably hold up a mirror to show you an owner in denial.
Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 11:26 pm
by Spragwa
Well Jerry, your opinions are insightful. I hope that you find your own super secret crag in which to climb so that we never have to hear from your whiny ass again. Fact, people take their dogs climbing. Fact, some dogs are more well-behaved than others but inevitably are animals that require supervision and care. Fact, some people are more well-behaved than others. Fact, you can face reality and get a grip or remain miserable, bitchy and intolerant. It's your choice but you should consider that your reasons for climbing may be incompatible with others. Since you are not the most important person in the world whose wants needs and desires supercede those around you, perhaps you should adjust your perception. Just a thought.