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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:53 pm
by Liz_Weber
Field report on first use of the Eddy.

1. It works.
2. It works awkwardly. (To operate it smoothly, all agreed who played with it today that it would take a significant amount of practice - much more than a GriGri.)
3. The key to smooth operation is in skillful thumbing of the cam under various loads.
4. It is definitely NOT for a new climber who hasn't belayed with anything else.
5. So, the Eddy, IMO, will not replace the GriGri for a safer option to the ATC in the hands of a newby. Although, for a new, not-so-mechanically-inclined belayer, the climber is extremely safe, because the belayer can't figure out how to pay out enough rope to get the climber off the ground!
