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Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:22 am
by 512OW
Oh... and BigRed.... Your horse lost.
Sorry man. Your boy bitched out on you.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:23 am
by endercore
you tell him
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:35 am
by TradMike
If you have not read the article about the climb ... imb-1.html
I think the best thing Dean could do now is try to help improve access to Arches. It would show that he cares. Otherwise, I'll join the bandwagon as well.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:41 am
by Crankmas
I'll go climbing and leave the self- righteous to themselves
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:45 pm
by krampus
Dean, may your shit come alive and kiss you on the face
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:06 pm
by Yasmeen
The slams on his lawyer by other lawyers are pretty amusing, as is the enraged post by bradlyfish. It's funny that some people still haven't learned that blatant anger on an internet forum makes you look like a blathering idiot. But hey, we've all been there, I guess.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:55 pm
by gunslnga
BigRed wrote:(sigh)
BigRed wrote:(sigh)
Big Red, you still seem to think your boy has done nothing wrong, how long do you hold out for a sell out???? I could understand if you guys grew up together and were blood brothers or something, but the loyaty you have to someone who has jeopardized your access as well, is truly amazing!!!
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:20 pm
by BigRed
Thanks for the comment about my loyalty. Did my sigh really say all that? I think that a person can find a climber's climbing abilities inspirational, even if we don't agree with everything he/she does.
I guess im just amazed at certain peoples abilities and how far theyve taken them. ie lynn hill, caldwell, potter, sharma, to even strong people I know personally. I climb to push my limits, physically and mentally, and these people inspire me to strive toward pushing those limits to the max.
I guess I hope I can learn from other peoples action when faced with decisions of my own.
1. I never want to jeopardize access.
2. I want to push my limits.
3. Try to add to the positive.
Thats what my climbing stands for, so if you want to attack me about my personal beliefs, attack what I actually beleive in, 1,2 and 3. Gotta a problem with it Slinga?
And I just dont like Mr Hampton bc he wont be my friend on myspace.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:55 pm
by KD
we're workin' on this for ya Kris.
RE:Bitchin about ODUB
Infringement of Right of Publicity; Defamation; Invasion of Privacy; Bein’ an Ass Pain
Mr. Potter:
My name is ... and I represent Mr. Odub. It has come to my client’s attention that you have publicly cried like a fuckin lil girlscout with a skinned knee. A detailed photograph of a skinned knee is available via streaming mpeg download at, specifically at the following URL:
On behalf of Mr. Odub, I demand: (1) that you immediately cease all bitchin’ of Odub in any format, by any means; (2) that all fuckin’ whinin’, including electronic cries, of Odub be expeditiously ass crammed and immediately removed for flushing (3) that you remove from Odub’s sight and hearing any and all stupid fuckin bitchy-ass cunt lawyers.(4) that you desist from any other infringement of Mr. Odub’s rights now or in the future…
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:09 pm
by Crankmas
do I hear a war drum in the background? if a glacier recedes that had been there for a million years and it didn't call women ho's would anyone care? if ya wanna get to heaven boy you gotta d-i-e if you wanna get the rabbit out of the l-o-g you gotta make a cold motion like a d-o-g but to be a lawyer you got start by blowing your way thru kindergarten