I find every action by Mr Phelps and his followers to be revolting but the method of his madness is an ingenious counterpoint to the ACLU's feigned righteousness.
Crankmas wrote:Meadows, thanks for the update but it doesn't qualify as a religion to me and the ACLU will defend my right to reject it like I would your jumpshot. Don't be believing the hype.
anyone remember his web site that had the Matthew dude that got hung on the fence out in Wyoming doing his screams from Hell? that was bone chilling and shall we say a bit harsh?
The OK City bombings were conducted by a group of "Christians." I've got a feeling that the percentage of "terrorists" amongst Muslims is about the same as the number of "terrorists" you'll find amongst Christians. There's just a lot more muslims than Christians. And you know what? The numbers have nothing to do with who is right or wrong. We atheists are fewer in number than either Muslims or Christians but at least we don't believe some "God" is telling us to go murder other people.
[size=75]You are as bad as Alan, and even he hits the mark sometimes. -charlie
"Not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative." - John Stuart Mill[/size]
pigsteak wrote:no problem mr. rhunt. that being said, I am voting for Obama or Guiliani in 08, and both are pro choice, pro gay rights, and pro gun control.
Wrong, I just heard today that Guiliani is against gay marriage. Which is not to say he is against ALL gay rights but that one "right" is pretty significant.
hold that last post we better talk about gays getting married so the liberals have to spend their time defending that crap: its amazing how fast these elections slide up don't ya know
OK hand then tell me, why are you so against two men or two women getting married. Is it that whole sanctity thing? That's so George Bush and 2004. What's todays new reason why gay people should not get married. What if they promise not to have more than the standard 50% divorce rate, that the hetersexuals have established?