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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:53 pm
by Christian
My group started calling me MR LNT(leave no trace) because I suggested that bananna peels shouldn't be left to decompose if for no other reason than there aren't bananna trees around here. All poop will be packed out next time or they won't be going with me.
I am sorry but other than a deep hole and rocks it was not disposed of properly.
(As far as I Know) The boy dissappeared for 30 minutes and returned with the story.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:01 pm
by JB
don't need to pack out your poop in the kind of climate we have around here.

LNT guidelines ask that you pack out your TP, but as long as you bury your poop in a cathole (hopefully in organic soil and not sand), and do so well away from water sources, you're doing fine. The moist climate in this area really aids in decomposition.

I just took a trip to the desert and we used WAG bags... definitely recommend that if you're packing it out!!

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:03 pm
by Christian
I agree amigo. It felt like we had stumbled onto the set of the 2d Jurassic Park movie down at the bottom Of the gorge there.The soil was moist and very organic.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:20 pm
by ynot
Hope you found Laceration. It's pretty sweet. Obviuosly you found the hidden entrance. Definately a cool place. Did you get lost finding the exit? We ended up in impentrable rhodos once. Summertime is best. the days are longer and the Trillium is blooming. Did you find the waterfalls? there are several But the one over the huge overhang is really tall.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:00 pm
by Christian
We found Laceration. It was really fun. We found the entrance with no problem, Ray's description was perfect. we had no problem finding the exit we built a cairn next to the stream and took digital pictures of the cliffline for the return. The Rhodo was impenetrable but that made it more fun.
Chris lead that left of Laceration. I couldn't get past the overhang.
He also found a dead calf under that huge overhang/ampitheater.
You shouldn't have let a cold keep you from climbing with us. Zack had syphyllis and colon cancer and he climbed :twisted:

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 3:47 pm
by Spragwa
Christian wrote:Zack had syphyllis and colon cancer and he climbed :twisted:
Now that's some funny shit. No more excuses for having a bad day!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:34 pm
by ynot
Zack also did his first trad lead! Hey I had to spray for him.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:32 pm
by Christian
He did it clean and had fun doing it. Thanks for puting him onto that route.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:29 pm
by Biners_Of_Steel
Christian wrote:My group started calling me MR LNT(leave no trace) because I suggested that bananna peels shouldn't be left to decompose if for no other reason than there aren't bananna trees around here. All poop will be packed out next time or they won't be going with me.
I am sorry but other than a deep hole and rocks it was not disposed of properly.
(As far as I Know) The boy dissappeared for 30 minutes and returned with the story.
Well I went in search for a certain tranquility that is needed for me to go poo. I found this beautiful amphitheater with a waterfall, so naturally it was pretty peaceful. So I’m prairie doggin it trying to get down, slipping and sliding when I find a nice tree. Dug a nice hole about a foot deep, let it rip. BEHOLD! It be diarrhea. Imagine my surprise. So I figure "well this sucks, but no use holding it in, that would be potentially disastrous if I get on a hard climb today" so I just let it go. Then a gust of wind brings me this awful smell and I know it's not me, being that most humans are in tune with their own odors. I look around for the source of the smell and notice this mound in between two rocks 8 feet away. Upon further inspection I came to the conclusion it was some sort of hoofed animal. After some more investigation (all this going on while stuffs coming out of my butt at an alarming rate) I decided it had to be a calf, the only reason I didn't catch it sooner was because it's neck was broken and bent backwards. So there went my tranquility and peaceful pooping experience. That’s my story.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:32 pm
by Artsay
Ummm...thanks for sharing? :wink: