drastic idea for Torrent Falls

Access, Rehab Projects, Derbyfests and more...
the lurkist
Posts: 2240
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2002 2:07 pm

Post by the lurkist »

THis is a good discussion, as have the other posts. If everyone in the community who climbs in the Red could be privy to these discussions, our troubles with access secondary to being poor guests would be over.
Naw, you bring up the crux of the problem which has been mulled over on some of the other threads. How to let other climbers not involved in "local" discussion be made aware of issues facing crags- Marks concerns, the owner of the Lode's concerns, MV concerns, etc....
What is acceptable behavior at more removed crags (taking a dump in the woods, screaming off the top of a route, etc...) isn't acceptable in someone's back yard, and people need to be made aware of what is acceptable and expected behavior. Naw, I think you speak for many traveling climbers in that if you are made aware, you will gladly comply, because you aren't a asshole and you do follow the rules, as do most of us.
I like you idea of emulating LRC or some other mechaism to limit numbers and get consent from each visiting climber about expected behavior each time they come. Like you mentioned at LRC, expectations as extreme as not walking shirtless through the parking lot will be obeyed b/c folks do not want to loose the cliff.
Mark and family can not be responsible to policing or monitoring sign in, donation, etc... It will have to be, as Bob Metheny said, enlightened self interest. We get the message out via Miguel's and word of mouth.
To that end, it still blows me away at the lack of transmission of info from the RRGCC to the everyday climber at Miguels. There has got to be a way to get the message out so that folks will talk about it over their pizza and Ale 8.
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
Posts: 3809
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Post by Andrew »

The little rock city system doesn't seem to work real well. Alot of people abuse it. I have a hard time believing that a similar system at a even more popular place will work. Just my opinion.
Living the dream
the lurkist
Posts: 2240
Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2002 2:07 pm

Post by the lurkist »

good to know
"It really is all good ! My thinking only occasionally calls it differently..."
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