It's true. I had Wes climb the route before me and place all the gear. Then I stick-clipped up it. You just can't see the stick-clip in the picture because it's hanging off my harness inside the chimney. The one of Andromeda Strain was a little headier, because it was my first mock-lead. Ben was kind enough to photoshop the toprope out of that one. Good people, Wes and Ben.
Also, the only reason Paul and I hate Brother Stair is because we couldn't get to the anchors without aid. Sucks to admit it, but it's nice to get it off my chest.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
"zoh my god" Please excuse my use of strange internet lingo. I think this started as omgz for oh my gods with the clever Z. Then mispelled through typing into zomg. Kind of like "teh" is now accepted and used in place of "the". example: "zomg! teh cat peed on my shoes."
I flashed your mom, she has a stiff crux, but after the first few moves it's smooth sailing.