Unrepeated Sport Routes at the Red

Gaston? High Step? Drop Knee? Talk in here.
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Post by allah »

You are so full of it Tomdarch, if you notice most ads have hard routes, or routes that lood hard, in pictures the red dosent look hard like those limestone routes, or the rock in Assie. the routes at the red might be hard, but most of them dont look it. there are very few reall hard routes at the red that look hard, and will take good pictures. im not saying that good pictures cant be taken at the red, it is just really hard to get good shots on hard routes. for example, in the mag. that featured the red and had a 2 page spead of Ramsey on Transworld, in those pics that route did not look hard, it looks like there are feet all over the place and those pics do not show the true steepness of the route. The madness cave does take good pics but at the same time it looks like a jug hual (which we all should know it isnt) If im wrong or you disagree with me have some good examples.
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Post by Spragwa »

Wow you guys what a great idea! We really need more people at the Red. Why hasn't anyone thought of that before?
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

Joe Finney
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Post by Joe Finney »

why do you want to hire someone to come and send a climb. I dont understand.
the lurkist
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Post by the lurkist »

put me down for fifty bucks for the bounty on Skeletor.
Here are the ground rules-
1. Do the route as is. No chipping or modifying. No aggressive cleaning or any other whack ass euro/west coast morally relativistic tactics.
Note- every hold on the route has been scoped in minutia and photographed. Any suspect jiggery pokery will be noted and any firmly dissed.

2. The ascent must be witnessed by a local- preferably myself or Chris Martin and video taped.

3. Anyone getting on board to give er a go has to ante up- $40. One time ante that gives the person to claim the prize at any point in their lifetime if they are the first to send Skeletor. You want to play, you got to put the jack on the line and be invested.

Sounds fair to me.
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Post by SCIN »

I'll throw in fifty bucks (as long as Michelle approves). ;)
Yo Ray jack dynomite! Listen to my beat box! Bew ch ch pff BEW ch ch pfff! Sweet!

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Post by Buster »

Sandy wrote:The Snyd told me that Matt Nasty's ascent of WTOK didn't count since he used aid*.

*tape gloves. I think he's a bitter old man, personally.
Thanks for stirring the shit pot, bitch.
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Post by Guest »

anytime, old man. :mrgreen:
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Post by Spragwa »

Hmm. If Matt's assent didn't count then I guess the FA didn't either since there was one piece of gear placed?
Jesus only knows that she tries too hard. She's only trying to keep the sky from falling.

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Post by allah »

I will do the first original FA :twisted: :twisted:
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

bring it motherfuckers.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
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