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Re: a few Questions for the RRGCC
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:59 pm
by Guest
J.H. wrote:I think the whole community has the right to know. I would like these questions answer by some one who has the authority to answer them.
You see, I want to join the CC. But there are certain questions that have to be answered before my conscience will allow me to. I started on these questions a while ago. I let it die down because I didn't see climbing as being threatened in the southern region. Now that what has happened with the oil company has happened I really want to join. I want to help. But I'm not stupid either. To blindly follow someone just because they claim to have the same motivations as me, now that would be stupid.
1) How is the CC held accountable by its constituancy?
2) If the hiarchy becomes out of touch with said constituancy then what, can the leadership be "fired"?
3)The Murray land. Once it is bought, Is the CC going to set up a "user fee" for climbing in the S/R. Like at the Gunks?
4) Is the CC going to make the S/R only accessable to climbers with said permit. Is the CC going to exclude other recreational activities. Horseback riding,Four-wheeling,hiking, camping,
7) This question was posed to me my a person very concerned.It concerns me also. Is the CC going to set up a campground/c-store/equipment store and run the other people out of business?Pizza, Bar-b-Q,and a climbing hostel aside?
8 ) What exactly is the non-profit status of the CC. Are they or are they not supposed to have a non-profit tax-exemption number?
9) If so, where is the tax-exemption number?
10) If I want to become a member of the CC but I don't want to/ don't have the money to pay the CC is there any other way I can join as a non-dues paying member?
11)Once the CC gets the S/R are they going to prohibit activities that are not allowed in the NF? Camping within 300 feet of trail/Road. Camping under a rock shelter? Fire building?
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:00 pm
by Guest
Jeff wrote:I asked earlier that he post the question to the site, and he said that he has.
I looked and he hasn't.
He is just trying to stir up shit.
If you can't see that than you must not be paying attention.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:07 pm
by Guest
After one day and 40 posts/403 views. No one with any authority has answered any of my questions. I have been told that these questions have already been answered(not true)I have been told" As I see it...." or "I can't speak for the RRGCC,but i'm gonna say my piece anyway........"
Now I'm not saying anything against the RRGCC. As I understand it they had a meeting until late last night. It not about answering my post in a prompt manner. I asked for no deadline. I just want to say this. Please refrain from posting unless you know something or can contribute to the questions at hand.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:08 pm
by Wes
Yep, it is all just a big plot to get you.
Hey, lets look at it this way:
Why should the RRGCC let you climb on what is soon to be their land? Justify why you are worthy. And, since they own the land, they can make whatever rules they want, because it is theirs! The cool thing is, if you don't like the rules, then you don't have to climb there!! Now isn't that a cool thought, that you aren't forced to climb somewhere you don't want to?
Shannon has answered many of the questions you ask time after time. If I was her, I would have told everyone to kiss my ass and quit a long time ago. You have no idea of the shit she takes, and yet she still keeps working to keep a place for the same people that give her shit to climb. Look around on the RRGCC website, and you might find some of what you are looking for.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:14 pm
by StephyG
Please refrain from posting unless you know something or can contribute to the questions at hand.
Then why don't you pm someone who can answer your questions, or try and meet with a rrgcc rep; instead of posting on a public forum?
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:17 pm
by tsparks
J.H. why don't you just chill for a bit and give people a chance to respond. You started this thread after work hours yesterday and you've probably posted to it 15 times already.
You are asking questions that I think many of us have, so I am personally interested in the answers that you get, but if you just keep going back and forth with everyone that posts no one is going to take the time to respond with anything useful.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:22 pm
by Guest
Dude, I am waiting. I just don't want everyone to get all these WORDS and OPINIONS said without the questions that I asked being directly answered by someone who is qualified to answer them.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:32 pm
by TrueNorth
Dude, and we are all still waiting, to hear your true motive for asking. Once it is determined that you are sincere, your get your answers.
Re: a few Questions for the RRGCC
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:34 pm
by Wes
J.H. wrote:
1) How is the CC held accountable by its constituancy?
2) If the hiarchy becomes out of touch with said constituancy then what, can the leadership be "fired"?
3)The Murray land. Once it is bought, Is the CC going to set up a "user fee" for climbing in the S/R. Like at the Gunks?
4) Is the CC going to make the S/R only accessable to climbers with said permit. Is the CC going to exclude other recreational activities. Horseback riding,Four-wheeling,hiking, camping,
7) This question was posed to me my a person very concerned.It concerns me also. Is the CC going to set up a campground/c-store/equipment store and run the other people out of business?Pizza, Bar-b-Q,and a climbing hostel aside?
8 ) What exactly is the non-profit status of the CC. Are they or are they not supposed to have a non-profit tax-exemption number?
9) If so, where is the tax-exemption number?
10) If I want to become a member of the CC but I don't want to/ don't have the money to pay the CC is there any other way I can join as a non-dues paying member?
11)Once the CC gets the S/R are they going to prohibit activities that are not allowed in the NF? Camping within 300 feet of trail/Road. Camping under a rock shelter? Fire building?
4: Don't know.
5: Dumb question that makes the rest seem contrived
6: See 5: but even dumber.
7: Don't know
9: Recorded somewhere, the gov. loves red tape.
10: Don't know, but $10.00 is less then a 12 pack of good beer.
11: Dont' know
Now, answer my question: Why should they let you climb on their land?
Re: a few Questions for the RRGCC
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:54 pm
by rhunt
Quote from Wes:
4: Don't know.
5: Dumb question that makes the rest seem contrived
6: See 5: but even dumber.
7: Don't know
9: Recorded somewhere, the gov. loves red tape.
10: Don't know, but $10.00 is less then a 12 pack of good beer.
11: Dont' know
Now, answer my question: Why should they let you climb on their land?
End Quote from Wes:
There now go find the answers yourself....and I would love it if you anwser Wes' question!