Copperheads in Emerald City

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Post by Shamis »

caribe wrote:
Shamis wrote:We may need to schedule "Whacking Day"
Because its the right thing to do.

We missed the official Whacking Day though, as I believe its May 10th.
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Post by caribe »

Shamis wrote:
caribe wrote:
Shamis wrote:We may need to schedule "Whacking Day"
Because its the right thing to do. We missed the official Whacking Day though, as I believe its May 10th.
My neighbor told me that she (supposedly) killed some copperheads. My heart sank. I think some people think they are doing everyone a favor to coat the world in plastic. They need to feel absolutely safe. Snake spotting should not be punctuated by "watch out for yourself" it should be framed as "watch out for the snakes, don't step on them be kind; rein in your dog, etc."
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Post by Shamis »

And the Lord said, whack ye all the serpants which crawl on their bellies and thy town shall be a beacon unto others.
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Post by rhunt »

caribe - Do you have any theories why most people seem instinctually afraid of snakes. I am talking about the irrational fear of just the sight of a snake. A healthy fear of something that can kill you is a good thing especially when you don't know the differece between the "good ones" or "bad ones". I find that most people either can't deal with the sight of a snake or they can look but NEVER touch.

Nature vs Nurture? Ties to the Adam and Eve biblical myth, etc?
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Post by tbwilsonky »

rhunt wrote:Do you have any theories why most people seem instinctually afraid of snakes.
if the object in question is human (people = human) then i think we can go ahead and toss instinct right out the theoretical window.

people are taught to be afraid of snakes. just like they are taught to be afraid of sharks, ninjas, and intimacy.

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Post by pigsteak »

rhunt..biblical myth? shame on you...
Positive vibes brah...positive vibes.
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Post by rhunt »

tbwilsonky, But I don't recall ever being taught to not fear them. Or maybe I just didn't listen. I have always been competely fascinated with snake which I guess is why I have four of them at home.

Pigsteak - sorry biblical metaphor - is that better?
Becides we both know they got it wrong - its Adam and Steve not Adam and Eve.
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Post by pkananen »

rhunt, what do you have?
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Post by Saxman »

I think some people are taught to fear them from ignorant parents/friends. Only those naturally inquisitive resist that type of brain washing.
The theory of evolution is just as stupid as the theories of gravity and electromagnetism.
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Post by krampus »

I was brain washed by my mom and grammy till my fiends threw a rat snake on me my freshman year in high school, been a charmer ever since
How you compare may not be as important as to whom you are compared
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