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Re: Gear 4 rocks on ebay
Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 1:37 pm
by megmay
In unitary Ukraine, cams break you ... not your budget.
Re: Gear 4 rocks on ebay
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:59 am
by micksouthere
Hey guys I cannot emphasize how much you need to stay away from these.
Cheap and cheerful yes, dangerous yes.
I ordered two pulleys, just for guides, not load bearing, that actually got used on a set up rig, inside a large old warehouse, they were there for a week. Film stuff.
In that week we ordered another the end of our shoot we were noticing there was significant drag on the lines...the load bearing were CMI four inch sheaves stainless.
When we dropped the whole rig it was the guide pulleys (gear4rocks) that had started to seize due to rust. Not good. The CMI stuff rolled like a swiss watch, nothing, no dramas
Well I'll forgive one but not two...both had rusted and started to they are junked...but we had four more on the way....not.
Gear4rocks has taken the dollars but no junky pulleys or return of dollars despite numerous emails, promises of gear, apologies for delay, then promises of a money order. Then sweet FA.
Dodgy...dishonest...disgraceful...and disheartening...all things considered the gear you buy is the gear you rely upon to stop you from ending up another statistic. I have to put other people on my gear and although the guide pulleys weren't life threatening ( I cannot afford to run key equipment that may fail) not only is the gear junk but the company's professional (oxy moron?) attitude to business sucks as well.