So, had a fun few hours going through a couple dvd's of older photos, and thought I would share more then a few. Will break the posts up a bit. And, most should be mine, but if not, I will try to give credit where I know who took the photo.
Fuck the red, we are heading south!
My first bouldering trip after three months off due to torn ring pulley at hueco. Good times!
The always fashionable skychick, crushing at blowing rock
Sorry for the burry photo. Now whose hand print is that again?
Ryan, wondering why, oh why do I keep trying the sandbox
Me, rotator cuff, rumbing bald. Pretty sure Gene took this one.
Terry, first bouldering trip. HP40.
Mark, the snake/mantis, recoil
Hefe, whiteout direct, Dipsi on the belay
Self portrait, rocktown. Soooo cute!
Me, rocktown. Not sure if this is before or after Charlie asked to see my "poker" Photo by Matt??
Charlie, topping out in rocktown. Guessing Matt's photo, since the rest of us are in the frame.
Charlie, cool highball at g'mom
The patio, G'Mom
Me and Q, at the top of Castleton tower. Think maybe Ben took this one.