well now - i disagree. i moved to miguel's for 3 weeks june of last year (i'd been climbing for less than a year) - and i also stayed there fri-sun every weekend until october.the lurkist wrote:In furtherance of trying to keep it real, moving to Miguel's has little to do with actually climbing and more to do with seeking an inclusive non threatening lifestyle that enables folks to run from "real world".
i didn't know anyone that wanted to climb with the frequency i do - that also climbed at my level. i got the opportunity to meet some WONDERFUL people (including you!). i climbed every single day i wanted to - usually left out early with different groups. i wasn't into the sex/drugs/rock and roll scene there, but i still had a blast. and i feel i'm a better climber because of it.
Bottom line. Miguels is what you make of it. As is the same with anything in life.