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Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:10 pm
by Atl
Over the last 16 months I have lost 140 pounds. I found that the most effective means of weight loss was to have a varied and intense training routine (run 5 miles a day, weights 30 minutes a day, and yoga twice a week) combined with streamlining my diet. I eat as much now as I did at 360 pounds, but now I eat very little trash, and lots of nutrient dense food. The training took a few months to build up to, but now my energy level supports it. I have gained muscle tissue while losing fat at a very consistent rate. I do not consider this to be a temporary "diet" but a complete redefining of who I am permanently. I plan on continuing until I reach an optimum weight and state of physical conditioning for a man of 43. Just over a year ago it exhausted me to get out of my I am climbing and making extremely difficult hikes with little trouble. My whole point is that "shedding a few pounds" is pointless. Diets are pointless. Anything that is considered a temporary measure is also pointless. Decide who you are and become that person, and refuse to step back. I must say, however, that since I started visiting the Gorge that Miguel's fine pizzas have been a bit of a temptation to which I sometimes succumb. :(

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:43 am
by dipsi
Miguel's pizzas are not fattening! No way! You can eat all you want! Also when again available, French toast with berries and hashbrowns at RRO are okay!

Let it be.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:03 am
by KD
there's that new stuff called ally or something like that. it makes u crap out the weight. saxman uses it and swears by it.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:30 pm
by kirker
KD wrote:there's that new stuff called ally or something like that. it makes u crap out the weight. saxman uses it and swears by it.
I read about a product like that. Not sure if it was the same thing. I guess it doesn't allow your body to absorb the fat. Anyway read the side effects, and warnings. Its kinda nasty.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:45 pm
by dmw
anal leakage. gross. and atl, Miguel's pizza can be very very healthy. so I wouldn't feel bad about that. and congrats on making such a huge life change. that is awesome.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:11 pm
by Crankmas
ditto what she said and thanks for the insight Atl

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:30 pm
by Atl
I agree that Miguel's pizza seems more healthy than most, and usually the days I spend in the Gorge are accompanied by such a huge calorie burn that a little pizza is not an issue.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:42 am
by Meadows
For those avoiding the evil carbs, think again. By eating "resistance carbs" you can actually boost your fat burning. ... cl=6361292

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:45 pm
by Josephine
On April 1 I decided to lose weight. My main motivations were my climbing partners encouragement and SCIN's #5 requirement to send harder. ... c&start=15
Today I'm 20+ lbs lighter and have gone from a size 12 to a size 8 in less than 12 weeks.

i'd tried to lose weight in the past but because i relied so heavily on exercising it off, as soon as my schedule changed or i started back to school and i couldn't maintain that activity level, i went right back up to where i was. so this time i didn't focus on exercise at all. not to say i didn't climb every chance i had :wink:

the most major change was in the way i thought about what i eat. i figured i've eaten for pleasure for 28 years - now i'm going to eat for health. i made sure that whatever i put into my body had some health benefit.

so i logged on to and got a membership. i input what i eat each day (royal pain in the ass) and it generates the % of my diet that's protein/fat/carbs + creates a plan that i should eat x number of calories. i input my weight and it gives me nice little charts and graphs of my progress (or lack thereof!). i can also input my exercise (and they include "rock climbing") and it adjusts the calorie intake. it's a pay site - and i'm sure there are free ones that do the same - but i like it and bec i paid for it, i felt more motivated to actually use it.

so each day i tried to eat about 50-70 grams of protein, have my little graph show that "fats" composed 30% or less of my diet, and stay within my calorie limits. this meant that i cut out a lot of bread (turns out i'd been overloading on carbs) and dairy (otherwise i'd have too much fat). i said i cut out a lot of - not all of. i also realized that it is not possible to live without my dark chocolate. so i budgeted a 1/2 of a hershey's special dark candy bar every day. i learned if you eat yucky healthful food enough, eventually you begin to like them. so i learned i can eat frozen vegetables, turkey (not on a sandwich or with dressing - just plain turkey), soy milk, high-protein cereal and all sorts of other things i'd thought were gross before.

the only other thing that was pretty hard was the discouragement when there were several "plateaus" and i thought "why bother, i've never been less than 150 in my life" - but if i looked at the overall picture and how much i lost from april 1 it helped to overcome that - and for the first time in my adult life i'm less than 150 :D

so for whatever it's worth - this has worked pretty darn well for me.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:26 pm
by caribe
Josephine: that was good. when my daughter and I saw you the other day I told her that you look like you were losing weight. You are looking fit. I hope it turns into #s for you.