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Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:12 am
by Zspider
Great story, gunslinga.


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:12 pm
by travelinyouth
See the thing is I decided against going to turkey due to the whole "Not real safe right now" idea. But that mentality doesn't let you live very much. Anyhoo I was in Greece two or three years ago and hit the islands and the mainland, and I knew it was fine and dandy as far being safe. Mantra was just trying to be a dick by telling me I was going to get harassed, robbed, etc. but he was obviously wrong. But even if he were right, the climbing was soo good that it wouldn't have mattered I probably would still have gone!! And I will mostly certainly go back!!

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:04 pm
by gunslnga
Awsome I'm glad it worked out for you!, another part of my Greece story is, when we scored a 98.6 on our missle firing, we got to shove a lieutentant in a cess pool that was 4 feet deep because of a bet he made prior to the shoot. I also drunk some Ouzo with opium in it, If you could drink, stomach, and stand after one shot you did'nt have to pay, I did not make it....... :( :( :D