boulderguy133 wrote:sunshine and moonbeam are both loaded with friendly holds, but they are aso pretty short, so it may be worth it to look for longer routes to do laps on, one where every move wont be totally dialed after your first training day. but both those routes are totally classic, and stay left is a new route, which is sure to be a classic, super fun climbing. once you get really burly, reliquary may also be a good route. hope that helps. train hard
sun & moon have sorta bouldery slopey starts but that's about it...and true...not very long for laps...
Put up a while ago, pretty contrived line, and bolted not so well. I try not to criticize routes since I'm not bolting anything but this line is anything but classic and it sure as shit isn't new for the red. Maybe they meant Terry's line to the right?