Just go to your favorite cliff, rub your hands over everything ... rock, dirt, rope, tree and then stick your hands in your mouth. It works like a charm!
ohmigod, so i guess this was not on purpose, then, huh?? I never wash my hands at the wall before I eat a snack or lunch, so are you saying that is how you got this????
..those who can most truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come. -Pericles
longlegsrule wrote:where have ya'll been anyways Yas...CT needs some more girl power...
hey, there were a ton of girls, a ton of people for that matter, on Tuesday...
..those who can most truly be accounted brave are those who best know the meaning of what is sweet in life and what is terrible, and then go out, undeterred, to meet what is to come. -Pericles
Exactly, it's very common outdoors. If you do get sick, giardia is very sensitive to a couple of antibiotics. I get sick often because I'm just susceptible to it. Normally it's not bad and goes away within a couple of days.
superjen wrote:ohmigod, so i guess this was not on purpose, then, huh?? I never wash my hands at the wall before I eat a snack or lunch, so are you saying that is how you got this????
Thanks LLR-- I'm taking a little break from any form of responsibility, so I've been at the Red most of the days this summer, and probably won't see a gym again until I head back to Miami in mid-August.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
I have a severe addiction to Jalapeno Hot Salsa sunflower seeds and rootbeer, I'll admit it. This has unintentionally led to the weightloss one might see if they were say....a heroin addict....
OK - not really, but I can't imagine it's good for me. I'm going to keep with the addiction for awhile and see how it goes. The janitors at work are hatin me...sunflower shells everywhere....eat spit be happy.
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static
"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew