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Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:22 pm
by Eric
Yas said I took them home so that she could sell them on Ebay and by the time any of us know any better she would be $100 richer. In fact, I bet she has already put money on Snoopdogg to win. Women........

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:42 pm
by Yasmeen
That's not true, Eric! I would never bet against Loren!

... Hey Loren... how's your foot? You still kinda limping?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:16 am
by spuzo
wow - this was one of those threads I started reading on the last page and had to go back tothe beginnin because it was so interesting.

I'm thinking Loren riding the Coach would be unstoppable. I don't know Snoop - but I know JR...and well, we all saw him in those little panties Saturday, I can't say I would be too afraid of him at all.

yas, if you do the men in tights thing, we should definitely get Kenny in some tights and Keenan and have them sing that song..."We're men, men in tights (TIGHT tights) we roam around the forest looking for fights...."


that movie cracks me up.

ok well, thanks again for making me not work at work. (Don't worry Loren, I think you're hot...when yas runs off with that hot sport climber everyone is saying they've seen her with lately....I'll ditch Joe and you can be my rope gun). :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:35 am
by snoopdogg
Fuck men in tights and fuck most of you. I came on here asking legitimate questions pertaining to AC versus Convertibles and got attacked. Most of you don't know me and Yasmeen is my friend. Please do not attack me like you have been.

I am not kidding when I say I know tactics. I know plenty of them and will never be afraid to use them at the right time. Please know that this is not a threat but is a reasonable request. Now, fuck off.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:46 am
by Spragwa
I have a/c for two really big reasons. First, I'm a lawyer therefore I wear suits to work regardless of the temperature and second, Dakota.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:46 am
by spuzo
good point Sprag...I hate getting to work and just being a sweaty mess - and you dont want to look sweaty and stuff in a courtroom I would image.

I have AC's called a Jeep....teehee. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 11:39 am
by dipsi
When I was a girl, and the Earth was still cooling, no one had AC. We slept on the screened in porch in summer to stay cool at night. My mother would hang wet towels in front of fans, which were not little finger proof, and we played with the water hose a lot. If my mother went outside, we would all open the refridgerator and stand in a cool little clump until someone spied her coming across the porch!

Car trips were an event! Forget nice hairdos and dry clothes, and God forbid it should rain on a hot day. Four kids and two dogs in the back seat of a Woody traveling 2,000 miles from California to Kentucky! I'm still in therapy for that ride!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:51 pm
by li'l kim
snoop! you better get your ass back in the kitchen! i'm not workin' my fine ass off all day at work so that you can flirt with bitches and hoes all day on this godforsaken forum!

that said, loren's looking awful hot right now, with that little stubbly thing he's got growing on his chin. keep on talkin' and i just might beat spuzo to snatchin' him up!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:20 pm
by snoopdogg
How about I make a meat sandwich out of you bitch? I would love to take a sharp knife, tie you up, and remove your skin. I would then slowly take slithers of meat from your body and wrap my fingers up in them like finger fajitas.

Then, as your ribs become visible, I will rub my nose along each one of them until I reach your pelvis bone. It is now that I will reach into your body cavity and remove each organ for boiling. I will use my medical skills to only remove the organs which you will be able to sustain life without. You will watch me remove and boil your organs while my penis hangs low. Once the organs have been boiled long enough, we will both share the sight as I proceed to stuff them into my rectum. I will then tighten my bowels to excrete the organs onto the floor. Have you ever seen someone shit without eating? You will. I will shit your body onto the floor then roll around in it like a gigantic human walrus.

I will leave you hanging while I perform human walrus tricks like bouncing your gall bladder on my nose. This will excite you. I will then dive into your body cavity and search for odd things that may have grown inside of you during your years on this planet. Things such as ingrown hairs and tumors. I will remove them and swallow them like eggs. Eventually I will remove all of your muscles and create my very own muscle puppet. I will hang the muscle puppet above my bed and pray to it each night before I consume a piece of your brain.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:53 pm
by Guest
I guess the word filters are a little over the top today?