Sad News

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Joined: Tue May 27, 2003 1:45 pm

Post by GWG »

It's unfortunate that the actions of a few have put the whole at risk. Not everyone in uniform, serving in Iraq, are involved in torturing/mistreating Iraqi citizens. I personally know individuals who served/are serving in the relief effort and they shared stories of how people were so grateful for what was being done. They are proud of the work they have done and see the positive difference it's made in the lives of those they interacted with. It is rare that these stories make the headlines because it's "good news" and that just doesn't do well for ratings.

I don't condone what was done in certain prisons however I wasn't there so I'm not going to judge those involved. I find it interesting that people tend to judge everyone in a specific group because of the actions of a few. I guess it's human nature.

Bringing it closer to home, folks on this forum have stated their "frustration" for being lumped into the same category as those who trash the Red. Whether it be the press, the NFS, KSP, or Charmane for that matter, when they lump us all together and say that all climbers are having a negative impact on the environment or are the cause of over use of the land, it undermines the efforts of those who are working to do just the opposite.

There certainly seems to be a ton of Bush bashing going on for where we are with Iraq however I have yet to hear from any of the naysayers a viable alternative to what should be done in the future. I do pray for our leaders every day so they have clarity of vision, guidance, and the ability to separate what is right and what is done just for personal gain.

Enough already, time to get back to work. It's almost time to start the weekend. :D :D :D
Posts: 331
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:28 pm

Post by loren »

Crankmas wrote:Same Crime- America > Felony Islamic Entity> Misdemenor Fuck Islam
What exactly are you trying to say here Crankmas? Are you really sayig "Fuck Islam"?

Sorry, sort of unclear your exact meaning.
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