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Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 6:59 am
by vic
I say put an end to it the old fashion way:
Get a number of people (8-15 climbers) to organize themselves, stake out the place, and wait all day without drinking too much. As soon as something suspicious takes place, one person would call all others.
All climbers would come down, and at the very least explain that this will no longer be tolerated.
Make some big news out of it - make a statement that says: Climbers will not be walked on, or have their cars broken into and DO NOTHING. Make the news if you have to, all without much violence.
The word will get around in Powell county, only because there is not much else to talk about... and soon enough, people will no longer break in.

This comes from experience: living in Hawaii, and having locals rip off scuba diver's cars... It really does work... later, expect hikers' cars to get broken into.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:54 pm
by Sunshine
Who are these 8-15 climbers? How will they organize? Who will lead this organization? Will it be all volunteer? Will there be any rules? Where will the big news be published? Will the big news spread to surrounding counties? How will they know the difference between climber's cars and hiker's cars?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:01 pm
by haas
we shall make bumper stickers that say "I beat your ass, don't mess with this car" Yeah that would work, they'd respect that right?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:14 pm
by Sunshine
I think the 8-15 climbers should keep an eye out for Hawaiian's.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:05 pm
by tomdarch
Hmmm.... sneaky Hawaiians. That or Circus Midgets - they're the worst! Plus, they can stand on each other's shoulders and put on a trench coat and appear to be 'normal'....

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:23 pm
by the lurkist
How long has this been an on going problem? Years. It isn't the same people committing the break ins. It is different gourps of people (albeit, unscrupulous people) reacting to the same factors- those factors are- easy pickins in a secluded location.
Every time this happens the same unhelpful diatribe occurs. "Let's all confront these scumbags and kick their asses."
If we had a local climbing advocacy organization that acted in a leadership like position, what might happen is this- This organization might organize a few volunteers and coordinate with the State Police, and set up watches on the busy days. these volunteers would have video cameras (maybe two different vantage points on the parking lots to assure they get good looks at the criminals) and catch these guys on tape (or digital- whatever) along with license plates or descriptions . These volunteers would need to be willing to appear in court to testify.
the Commonwealth Attorney and State Police have both said that this is what it takes to get a conviction. Given how often these break ins occur, it wouldn't be hard to get this evidence.
Do this with a few serial break in events, and local crminlas would soon get the message that they can't get away with it.
As of now, they know they can.
Like a biology prof of mine once said- "If you have food and shelter for cockroaches, you will have cockroaches."