SAndy imposter?

Movies, music, food, blood, dogs, Horatio.....
Horatio Felacio
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Post by Horatio Felacio »

i think yong'n climber needs to be banned from this site. he/she is a gumby and has not valuable input in to climbing. i hereby call moderators and ray to get rid of this troll.
Yo HO!! Just got me a code red and some funyons big dawg!!! SHIT YEAH! - Ray, excited about his breakfast
young'n climber
Posts: 1257
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:31 pm

Post by young'n climber »

So your saying every other person or post in this forum does?
Alan Evil is a whiney fucking bitch.

The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.

Post by Guest »

no, just everyone but you.
young'n climber
Posts: 1257
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:31 pm

Post by young'n climber »

Thanks, I'm glad I have your support.
Alan Evil is a whiney fucking bitch.

The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
Posts: 62
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:33 am

Post by ertbaby!!! »

Ok people say what you will about me, but young'n climber here is a stand-up kid. Not only does he post good threads ( usually questions about routes to aquire tips and suggestions others have on them which seems to me a great service and the main purpose of this site) but he is also a really strong climber. To even suggest kicking him off is plain silly. I am sure that many of us wish that we had gotten into climbing at such a young age and to try and stifle such an eager climber with an inquisitive mind is wrong on so many levels.
ok so his grammar sucks almost as bad as his spelling, he says some of the most vulgar things at the most inappropriate times, and he can be somewhat annoying.... on a good day.
but for the most part he is the ideal kid to have on this site.. he LOVES the Red and he loves to climb. When he isnt pissing me off he is usually amazing me with how strong he climbs or talking about the red.
p.s. i am 99% sure he is a dude.
...well, i can only climb about a 5.10. but i can belay a 5.14c like you wouldn't believe!!
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Post by spuzo »

I'll second ertbaby - I have only met a couple of you from the site - but have been told by ynot that young'n is a good climber and relatively fun to be around too.

And you have to commend him for at least quoting Led Zeppelin instead of some crap now-a-days pop idol group. Just because you weren't around for an era of music doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't enjoy it. Hell, I wasn't around for Led Zeppelin really either...

And I give Y'nC credit for utilizing this resource too. And if he loves the Red - everyone on here should be glad to have their hands on him - so they can help produce a new generation of people that will take care of the place and keep the interest of climbers in mind.
"I enjoyed a Guinness after I got back home from Palm Sunday Mass." - Captain Static

"Listen, you heard what I said. Do you want me to donate or not charlie. Suck it up and procreate." - Andrew
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Post by Yasmeen »

Aw no one's getting rid of young'n. It's pretty hard to get kicked off the board. Eaten by SCIN, maybe, but kicked off, not likely.
"I snatched defeat from the jaws of victory." --Paul
(Emails > PMs)
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Post by Pimp »

There is only one way to figure out if Young'n climbrer is really Sandy. We simply must kill Sandy and see if Y'n C still posts. Duh :twisted: :twisted:
One of these days I will just walk out to some secluded crag in the red and hang my self will my favorite hex and my old climbing rope; and the paper will read "Climber falls and dies using primitive gear." But that's not how I want to be remembered.
young'n climber
Posts: 1257
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:31 pm

Post by young'n climber »

Alan Evil is a whiney fucking bitch.

The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.
Posts: 120
Joined: Mon Oct 20, 2003 2:58 pm

Post by Pimp »

Why are you so enthusiastic about that :? :?:
One of these days I will just walk out to some secluded crag in the red and hang my self will my favorite hex and my old climbing rope; and the paper will read "Climber falls and dies using primitive gear." But that's not how I want to be remembered.
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