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Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:12 am
by TrueNorth
I can only “officially” speak for True North Outfitters and myself. I do not represent the RRGCC. And No JH, I did not debate these issues just to allow Shannon and Johnny a forum to express their views. You need to go back and read the thread again.

In regards to what the RRGCC does. I can give you some insight into the politics and issues regarding Kentucky and Federal “land management” and why the existence of an activist group is required in a political system. I can share with you its importance in a community or perhaps how in a perfect system, an activist group serves only as a watchdog and never needs to takes action.

We can re-discuss the issues of private “land management”.

But here is the problem. JH I’m tired of debating with someone who strives to take perfectly positive threads and turn it into negative conformational issues. Not for the sake of enlightenment, but because your bored and want nothing more than to “stir the shit”.

JR there is a saying:

There are those who know not, and know not, they know not. They are fools. Shun them.
There are those who know not, and know, they know not. They are simple. Teach them.
There are those who know, and know they know. They are wise. Follow them.

If I thought for a minute, that you didn’t fall into the first category, I would take all the time in the world to discuss these issues with you. Right now, I would rather send $10.00 to Shannon with your name on it and go to bed.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:21 am
by Gretchen
Well let's see, it is now almost midnight and BBerlier & I just arrived home from a Board Meeting at Miguel's TONIGHT. That is after all of us put in a full days work, 5 hours driving time and 2 1/2 hour meeting. Sorry that none of the "in the know" were unavaliable today to answer your questions.
I suggest that you give us some time, post to the forum and your questions will be answered. PLease realize though that we are in the process of organizing a festival due on two weeks, as well as dealing with the purchase of the Murray property. Please have some patience and we will answer your questions. I am tooooo tired tonight to go thru the paces. Thanks.

RRGCC, Board Member

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:36 am
by Guest
TrueNorth wrote:

But here is the problem. JH I’m tired of debating with someone who strives to take perfectly positive threads and turn it into negative conformational issues. Not for the sake of enlightenment, but because your bored and want nothing more than to “stir the shit”.
why do you think that this was a perfectly positive thread? It's my thread, I started it to have some questions answered. Not your or anybody elses thread. Do you just say shit to hear yourself talk?
TrueNorth wrote:I can only “officially” speak for True North Outfitters and myself. I do not represent the RRGCC.
If you can only speak for True North, Why are you posting?
TrueNorth wrote:There are those who know not, and know not, they know not. They are fools. Shun them.
amazing, you just don't get it.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:44 am
by TrueNorth
JH where did you start your comments? Here? No you started them on another thread and moved them here. And yes JH, I'm beginning to believe that I am "just talking to the wall".

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:47 am
by Guest
j.h. wrote:If you can only speak for True North, Why are you posting?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:22 am
by TrueNorth
Because the question was, "what does the RRGCC do"? I can answer this without speaking on behalf of the RRGCC.

Look JH. I have several concerns regarding issues such as land management, the establishment and enforcement of ethics, politics, archeological studies and endangered species, political influence from other activist groups and limited resources, just to name a few. And I don’t always agree with the RRGCC’s position on some of these very complex issues. But so what, that’s life.

I understand my concerns, how it impacts my business, my income, and my kid’s future. But tell me JH how does it impact you? Are you truly passionate about these issues or as I said before: are you just wanting to “stir the pot”?

If you are really passionate about these issues, take the time to explain how the actions of the RRGCC may impact your life negatively or positively in your next post. And if you cannot, at least explain why you even care what the RRGCC does.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:10 am
by Jeff
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an un-armed person, therefore I will no longer be suckered into JH's demented little world :mrgreen:
I asked earlier that he post the question to the site, and he said that he has.
I looked and he hasn't.
He is just trying to stir up shit.
If you can't see that than you must not be paying attention.
Sure his questions are legitamate questions, but anytime someone offers a reply it is torn apart.
Stir the pot JH, and
Have a good day.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:54 pm
by StephyG
Hey J.H, as I understand it, the red river gorge climbers coalition is a group of volunteers (most likely all climbers) dedicated to preserving access, remediating impact, and serving the needs of the climbing community in the Red River Gorge. Who would you rather support to do this job, a) everyone else who has an interest in activities in the red river gorge (forest service, atvers, hunters, hikers, oil companies, resorts, government) or b) a group of climbers determined to work with other users and maintain access in the red?

As for restrictions on camping, bolting, etc . . . some restrictions in this world are necessary. In my opinion, those preserving the integrity of the environment are at the top of the list.

Imagine yourself walking down a prestine drainage the trees tower above your head, their large trunks are covered with lichens and mosses. You are walking where there is no trail. You look down and notice just around your feet are a dozen plants, all different, only a few of which you know anything about. You see that one is blooming; but it is hard to tell, as its flower is very close to the ground and appears to look downward toward the earth. You take a closer look and notice that a small beetle has crawled inside it. Greatful for this small wonder, you look around amazed at the life that sorrounds you. Boulders are dispersed across the forest floor covered with plant life. You take a moment to listen, explore with your senses, and wonder.

In this moment you realize that the amount of life supported by the land immediately sorrounding you is incredible (birds, mammals, plants, soil microbes, insects, reptiles, amphibians etc. . . .). You wonder to yourself, "how many people are even aware of what I just realized? How many people would know the difference if it weren't here? Most likely, none. A person can't miss what he doesn't know.
I found that rather frightening!

Now, join me if you like, in thanks, that we have the ability to appreciate the difference between an environment highly impacted by human activity and one left prestine; and know that in our world (yours and mine) there is a place for both. Lets be thankful that there are some restrictions preserving the integrity of the environment

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:57 pm
by Guest
O.k. so see here, I want to know about the RRGCC. Not TRUE NORTH's view of what he thinks about the CC. What does his last post have to do with the questions that I asked the CC? subterfuge?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:59 pm
by Guest
Subterfuge,pure and simple.