pigsteak wrote:thank you mr. wilson..more along the lines of what i expected from you.....so now the million dollar question...since you said you can "clearly" see Ryan is a fascist, can you educate the masses on a few of your insights on why he is such and not just a neo con? tia....
to be honest, modern political ideologies are more akin to advertising strategies that manipulate an ever-shortening news cycle than they are any cogent set of ideas. but if I tried to tease out the thought in the GOP i would highlight two key movements:
Christo-Fascist (moral conservatism): the modern world is broken. economies are in shambles. mass murderers lurk in the suburbs. we are on the brink. why? the secular vision has failed to provide an adequate moral blueprint for society at large. add this generous equivocation with a healthy dose of American exceptionalism and you have the logical grounds for theocratic takeover of American institutions.
Fiscal Conservatives: most GOP faithful I talk to (or, rather, those who will talk to me) place themselves in this category. freedom loving, bootstrappers, these folks are willing to turn a blind eye to the incoherent moral babble of their party affiliates to quite literally save a buck. they often have some decent talking points though. government isn't very good with money (mostly because infrastructure isn't a business). giving YOUR money to someone else sucks (it does, but YOUR money is produced under conditions that exceed your practices). entitlement is out of control (it really is. there are some loathsome pieces of shit out there who are very skilled at raping the system).
the position of the fiscal people makes sense in some ways. sure, not giving a shit ("it's none of my business") about civil rights because you want to keep your money is fucking gross, but they have some serious concerns that beg serious consideration. the Christians, on the other hand, just plain scare me. i could give two shits if you think Frodo really dropped the Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, but when you start making public policy based off of it... i get a bit worried. plus, Christianity is, by nature, fascistic. all practice (past, present, and future) is codified, judged, and organized under the rubric of an ancient multi-author text. all of it. the bible isn't being amended, you know? it's done. God spoketh and that is a wrap. finally, Christianity is Universalizing. if you aren't out there trying to save people from the pit, then you aren't doing your job. and this job doesn't end until everyone is under one big tent. now i realize not all Christians are "out to get me". but the ones who aren't... are - according to Christian mandates - simply doing it wrong.
but i digress. why is Paul Ryan a fascist? because he is a practicing Christian. why does he scare me more than most? because he is running for the VP. finally, the way the Christian movement (vis-a-via people like Paul Ryan) has wed itself with an anti-state, hyper-capitalist, Nationalist (let's not forget this) party is more than a bit unnerving given the deteriorating state of the global economy.
crisis is a breeding ground for radical change, and i don't trust a politicized Christian to make choices i'm comfortable with. i, for one, would MUCH rather have the standard laissez-faire capitalist douchebag.