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Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:54 pm
by climb2core
With the ever growing traffic and trend of crag closures, it is becoming less fun to go climbing at the Red. I dread finding myself at a crag with line ups 3 deep. I can't wait for July...

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:03 pm
by Indy
dustonian wrote:Gotta say, dogs digging holes at the crag is a big issue, many years' worth of human erosion caused in less than 2 minutes (check out the base of Solar Collector--what a shitshow!!). Get a handle on your pooches, people... or leave them at home (even better).
Unfortunately, many dog owners don't see their doggies digging around as being destructive or contributing to the erosion factor. And when this is brought to their attention, the usual attitude back is that you are a dog hater, that you should just deal with it, and that this just the dog's natural behavior (I've gotten all three when I've mentioned the digging behavior to owners).

When, or IF, the Preserve is ever opened again, perhaps a few signs should be put up? About access issues, route issues, dog issues (allow/disallow them), etc? In addition to the permit system currently being looked into. Something to the effect of "You are entering the Training Run Nature Preserve, LLC. For continued access, no music, no dogs, no new routes allowed. Bring a pee bottle."

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:12 pm
by smellygregman
I'm sorry to hear about the closure. I'm flying in for a first trip to the Red next month and was looking forward to some of the classics in this area. I have climbed in other places that have had good success with limiting the number of climbers at given time (Hueco Tanks comes to mind). A little extra hassle is a small price to pay for access. I hope that a good solution can be made, so that if I ever make it back I'll be able to climb at Roadside. I will be checking this site for closures in the area, but if anyone has any important information regarding access concerns that might be more of a "local knowledge" kind of thing, please let me know so that I can be sure to respect the wishes of the landowners, climbing community, etc.

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:12 pm
by Toad
Wasn't the "Roadside Access Model" being touted a few threads back?

See what happens?

It sucks that people suck.

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:23 pm
by pigsteak
Toad wrote:Wasn't the "Roadside Access Model" being touted a few threads back?

See what happens?

It sucks that people suck.
there ya go with facts ahead of our entitlement mentality.

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:10 pm
by lena_chita
Toad wrote:Wasn't the "Roadside Access Model" being touted a few threads back?

See what happens?

It sucks that people suck.
+1. I thought Roadside was a great example of a crowded crag that was still clean and well maintained, but crowd impact was definitely becoming obvious.

While I haven't been back to Roadside for almost a year, precisely because of the obnoxious crowds, it pains me to hear that it is closed due to climber's behavior.

I hope it gets re-opened soon, with whatever modifications/restrictions the owner decides to put in place. And if anything specific needs to be done that is in my ability, I would be happy to contribute to a trail day, etc.

On a related subject, does anyone know if this applies to Zoo, also? E.i. is the roadside/Zoo parking lot closed? Or only Roadside crag closed?

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:14 pm
by dustonian
The Zoo is public (county?) land, and unrelated to Graining Fork issues. Access there is OK (for now anyway).

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:23 pm
by lena_chita
dustonian wrote:The Zoo is public (county?) land, and unrelated to Graining Fork issues. Access there is OK (for now anyway).

Thanks. I tried googling Graining Fork and found their homepage, but the map didn't show the boundaries.

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:48 pm
by ReachHigh
lena_chita wrote:
dustonian wrote:The Zoo is public (county?) land, and unrelated to Graining Fork issues. Access there is OK (for now anyway).

Thanks. I tried googling Graining Fork and found their homepage, but the map didn't show the boundaries.

Re: ACCESS TO ROADSIDE - closed unttil further notice

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:23 pm
by Corona
God help Muir Valley. Maybe a $5 per person fee system should be implemented on Saturday and Sunday there to offset the cost of having an additional 35 cars worth of climbers that will be displaced into Muir by this closure?