Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:20 am
Thanks, guys. You are all very welcome. I love this place more than you know. I have gotten so much from my time climbing at the Red, it is all worth the grief and the effort to try and leave something behind for others to enjoy, as we have enjoyed it. This is a really good community of climbers, but we could be better. We have the best climbing in the world in our own backyard, now we need to “ask the BEST of ourselves,” to protect it. Climbing this good will not be protected by half-hearted efforts and good intentions. Jeff, is right to be worried. But he is dead wrong to under estimate us.
Allow me to share the email from Brad McLeod, the man behind the SECC and the Boat Rock purchase, less than two hours (his was the second email I received; the first email was from Lance Brock, President of the SECC) after I sent out the RRGCC announcement about the new web site:
“Congratulations on this ambitious project. I have every bit of confidence that you will pull it off. We raised over 50k in 1.5 years towards our goal of $110,000 (almost half) for a little boulderfield in the concrete jungle of Atlanta. You all will do fantastic in getting support for a world class destination like the Red.
I am at your service, as is the website of the SCC. If you need anything dont hesitate to ask. I would also like to donate to your cause at the first chance.
Brad McLeod”
Jeff, yes, I believe confidently we can do this. We may fail but we will definitely be the better for trying. I believe we are a lot smarter than you give us credit. And I don't mean just me.
Flaredcrack, I take your point, and appreciate the advice. It's a valid point. I will try to better in the future and follow it.
Allow me to share the email from Brad McLeod, the man behind the SECC and the Boat Rock purchase, less than two hours (his was the second email I received; the first email was from Lance Brock, President of the SECC) after I sent out the RRGCC announcement about the new web site:
“Congratulations on this ambitious project. I have every bit of confidence that you will pull it off. We raised over 50k in 1.5 years towards our goal of $110,000 (almost half) for a little boulderfield in the concrete jungle of Atlanta. You all will do fantastic in getting support for a world class destination like the Red.
I am at your service, as is the website of the SCC. If you need anything dont hesitate to ask. I would also like to donate to your cause at the first chance.
Brad McLeod”
Jeff, yes, I believe confidently we can do this. We may fail but we will definitely be the better for trying. I believe we are a lot smarter than you give us credit. And I don't mean just me.
Flaredcrack, I take your point, and appreciate the advice. It's a valid point. I will try to better in the future and follow it.